Mini Bucket List


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
I would like to start a thread on what people consider as their Mini Bucket List , that is to say the smaller more inexpensive things in life that you know you want to do but haven't quite gotten around to doing yet.

So it doesn't need to be that 5 star Cruise around the Bahamas or the Luxury Trip To Oz/NZ - something more simple and achievable within the UK.



Nov 29, 2016
My 'big' mini one is doing a wilderness trip that is longer than 10 days. Not especially achievable in the uk but as it stands its about the same amount of effort and to get to Sweden as it is to get to the highlands, so thats a big one. I would also like to do a proper boreal winter bushcraft trip

Other things include making my own puukko and crook knife blades from old files, attempting a trip where I rely primarily on wild foods and doing a a more 'survival' style overnighter in a natural shelter, where I only bring very minimal equipment. Oh and I've never tried fire by friction so thats definitely on the list.
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Jun 14, 2016
Be free of my depression/anxiety/social anxiety long enough to walk the circumference of Wales with no back up.


Jul 2, 2014
West Somerset
Make my own whole axe - head, helve and mask. I have made the last two separately on two different axes in the past, but I have never forged my own head. I think its achievable, and would look to do it under some tutelage. After that, maybe a bronze age shield, to go with my sword :)

For me it is small steps, and usually involves making something. I have done most of the travelling I wanted to, and probably couldnt afford to do it these days. Soon I will be time-rich and financially less so, but that is the new challenge that fate has thrown me. Bring it on!


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Well, people often urge me to travel

(`When Young` Never mind those who start only when retired and go off on singular adventures that young folk would shirk from...)

I dont want to, Im happy here. (Im permenently on holiday in Cornwall, dammit) and I have no money to travel.

When I did I bought a property which is apparently no way to treat your lifes savings...

Anyway, bucket list.

More papers
Get paper published.
Get more letters.

Im beccoming a boring academic in my old age. (But Academia is never boring!)


Full Member
Nov 21, 2015
Oh me too :D and with all my marbles intact :D


Attend a medical conference at which the delegates speculate on why I am still alive at 150+.

I know these posts were lighthearted but be careful what you wish for. Mrs Nomad's grandmother died last week at the age of 101 a wonderful old lady who (flew to New Zealand to visit relatives for her 90th birthday and) was living pretty independently up to a year ago and was as sharp as a tack until a few months ago but in the end she lived just a bit too long and the last few weeks in a care home totally dependant on others were sad and you could tell that the loss of dignity hurt.

Ignoring the financial side of things (care of the elderly is a ticking time bomb in this country), and physical and mental health, imagine the pain of burying siblings, offspring and friends and having no one who you can really relate to about shared experiences when growing up and the risk that some of those around you take every breath you take as a deliberate attempt to mess up their hard earned retirement - families (fortunately not mine), don't you just love them!

Rather than setting an arbitrary age to live to, I'd simply hope to live as long as I'm still enjoying it and hopefully doing something interesting and useful. :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 25, 2011
North Yorkshire, UK
To go cycle touring/camping around scotland and the scottish isles.
I just assume I'll get round to it, I have the kit, but I keep getting older, less fit and see it slipping away . . .


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.