Midnight express.


Oct 19, 2008
South Coast
Thursday afternoon, with a reasonable local weather forecast and 5 days rations I set out for my regular campsite with just the threat of "light showers on Saturday, with gusty conditions later" to contend with. I leave my transport in the yard of a friendly farmer and it's a 45 minute walk on a good dry day, mostly off track through mixed woodland to my area of woodland. After the recent wet weather the woodland floor was soft and springy and well carpeted with fallen leaves, it's not difficult to move quietly and I managed a quick shot of one of the locals..

Which reminds me, I must bin the velcro closure on my camera case...:D
Friday was fine and warm and I spent most of the day wandering and checking on the bird boxes I've set up, just making sure they're still firmly attached and ready for the new residents in the Spring.
Grub time...I've no idea..chicken something..:D
The light showers promised for Saturday had obviously been in the gym since the weather forecast..because the rain started early and came down so hard at times the wood seemed to be filled with a grey mist. The little stream which forms my Southern boundry changed from it's customary trickle to a hard running mini river within an hour or two, I took these photos between downpours..

Saturday night and conditions began to deteriorate soon after sunset, the rain became heavier and the wind increased until the tree tops throughout the wood set up that continual rushing noise which sounds like heavy surf on a shore and wind driven leaves began battering the tent. I listened to the small radio for a while and then fell asleep.
Some time close to Midnight I was awoken by what sounded like an express train coming through the wood. As the sound got closer the tent actually depressed about 4 inches on it's fibreglass poles with the change in air pressure. Above the shriek of the wind gust I heard the crash of a falling tree closeby. Obviously I camp away from standing dead timber but the rain soaked nature of the ground after heavy rain means even living trees can be a danger. About every 20 minutes or so a similar roaring occurred and each time was accompanied by the sound of branches falling. About 02.30 hrs I suddenly got one of those uncontrolable fits of laughter..I realised I was rolled up in a foetal ball in a sleeping bag with about 2mm of nylon tent between me and a 15 ton Ash tree growing nearby!! I got dressed, lit the candle lantern and unzipped the tent porch door for ventilation to make a brew. The candle flickered and even the fierce flame of the little Gas cooker struggled as the next express train screamed through the wood. I heard another tree go down and briefly considered taking just basic kit and doing a night trek out of the wood with torch and compass as the nearest path is some distance away. I turned on the radio which was a bad move because the news told of a lady in the West country who had been killed by a falling tree..It also spoke of flooding and chaos elsewhere, so a brew and biscuits it was and I sat out the night hoping my credit with Thunor was good and he would let nothing fall on me.

Just before dawn the powerful gusts ceased and I fell asleep to the regular thrashing of the upper leaf canopy.
Sunday morning and a silent still world..
..Nature in the balance...
It took me a few moments but I realised this is not a growing sapling..:)
It probably came down from about 40 feet but even with the soft soil, pentration was impressive. My knife blade is 155mm and you can see the damp soil mark on the wood.
Sunday night was altogether more peacefull and I had the gossiping of the Tawny Owls as entertainment together with the seemingly endless sound of falling rain
Monday morning, a final brew and ready for the long slippery trek out..
..Time to go..:D


Full Member
Jan 29, 2007
Good stuff. Thanks for posting. It's a long night at this time of year. I find it hard not to turn in by 9pm.


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
One to remember i bet :)

Make the pictures a little bigger if you can as they look like great shots ;)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.