Members' Classifieds Rules

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  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
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Updated 04/04/2024 - 10 items from 8 items for sale
Updated 03/11/2020


This is a private, paying-members-only forum for, buying, selling & trading stuff with other members. Neither, Bushcraft UK, nor any of its representatives take any responsibility for transactions that go awry to the detriment of any parties involved.

The Members Classifieds forum is provided so that individual members can buy or sell their personal possessions with other members.

Up to 10 items at a time can be 'For Sale' as one is 'Sold' another can be added

This forum does have conditional use; to start a new thread in this forum (sell something) you need to be a Full Member (Someone that has subscribed to Bushcraft UK through the Accounts Upgrade options) or have a Classified Only account. Being able to sell on this forum is one of the benefits of supporting BCUK.
Once an item has been put up for sale any member can then purchase the item (All members are allowed to post replies in the forum)

Note: The forum is for non commercial sales. Sales by makers, traders, retailers etc are not allowed. We reserve the right to cancel the Full Membership of any member that does not conform to this rule. Do not abuse the freedom to sell on Bushcraft UK.

The method of payment or purchase must be agreed privately between the parties (seller/purchaser) please see guidelines below. Obviously, if anyone is found fraudulently representing goods for sale, their membership will be revoked, but that is as much as we can do. It is your responsibility to take whatever steps you need, to ensure the legitimacy of the transaction. It is also your responsibility to make sure that anything you post for sale confirms to UK or international laws. For some items such as knives the UK has some of the strictest laws in the world, please make sure you are legal in all aspects. The buy/sell forum exists for your benefit, please use it responsibly.

Some guidelines that might help things run smoothly:


  • Make sure your items for sale conform to UK and International laws.
  • Include a full description including condition of the items, be honest, do not say A1 if it's not.
  • If possible, attach an *actual* picture of the item, or alternatively a promotional picture or link.
  • State clearly the cash amount (total cost must be obvious) and currency you would like for the item including shipping costs.
  • State what payment methods are acceptable.
    • Bushcraft UK strongly encourages you to use Paypal because of the added security and protection it provides to both parties.
  • Post up the total charge to the Buyer, including paypal fees etc - What they see is what they pay
  • As soon as someone shows interest, take it to a private message on the forums or email. Avoid bidding wars on the forum.
  • Consider waiting for cheques to clear or payment to arrive before sending the goods.
  • To avoid confusion, mark your item as *SOLD* as soon as the transaction is complete.
  • cannot help you recover cash or goods if the sale does not go smoothly.


  • If you have a firm interest in an item, email or Message the seller directly.
  • Ask for clarification if needed.
  • Avoid bidding contests.
  • If the item is valuable, you may want to consider insisting on paying by Paypal only - It's your money.
  • It is your responsibility to satisfy yourself that the sale is legitimate.
  • cannot help you recover cash or goods if the purchase does not go smoothly.

Uti, non abuti - To use, not abuse


Added guidelines after some discussion on the forum about commenting on prices.

1. Seller posts up the price they want for an item - Including any applicable fees and postage costs.
2. Buyers accept the price or not.
3. If the buyers think the prices are a bit high they can comment politely via PM to the seller.
4. Do not all jump into the thread and say the prices are high, or you can get it here or there cheaper. Leave it alone and politely PM the seller if you feel the need.
5. The Seller can then comment as they see fit, change prices etc as they want to.
6. Do not keep jumping in saying the same thing as the posts will be removed and warnings given.
7. Always be polite and considerate.
8. Buyers end up buying or not
9. Seller ends up selling or not

There's responsibility both ways, the seller should consider the prices he's putting things up at, obviously if it's a one off item made of precious materials they can ask what they like for it as it's got a value based on what people are willing to pay. If it's a standard product then it needs to be pitched at a price that will sell, if it's not it won't.

If buyers thinks the price is steep and you cannot resist saying so please do not post in the sales thread but do so politely via PM, but remember it is up to the seller how much they ask for an item so after any PM do not make any further comments to them about prices.
Make sure you've got a good basis for it though and that it's not just your whim that you want it cheaper.

If you're a seller it's in your interest to put up a good price so that your items sell, if someone PM's you about the prices consider the comment and act as you will. Keep the prices, change them or whatever, up to you.

I don't think that people post comments to be nasty, they say what they're thinking and sometimes it can seem very blunt, just be considerate and all should go smoothly.

The problem with what I've written above is that it can still be manipulated, if someone wants to they can say "but it doesn't say that in the rules, you can't tell me I can't do that", I'm leaving this as a compromise and I hope that it works out. I know from past experience that you're all a good bunch and that you recognise the part you play in helping things run smoothly, there's a big onus on you, the members to make this work. If it doesn't work I'll change to the blanket rule of no comments about prices on sales threads.

If for any reason a moderator does step in take on board what's said and abide by it, they do what I've asked of them. If there's an issue let me know or bring it up with the mod in question via a private message, if it's a good subject for general discussion it can be discussed. Do not turn the thread into a debate.
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Selling in Classifieds

When using the classifieds could you please remember that we require the full price including any fees (Paypal or otherwise) and Postage to be stated in your description.
For a nice explanation from Toddy Read This:

Sales threads and the necessity to include fees in the prices.

From a Mod's point of view there are rather a lot of newbies ( we see them because their first posts are all checked over by a Mod before they appear on the open forum) who seem to have joined just to buy in the Classifieds.
As far as I know there's been no trouble with the newbies, or the sales though, so that's all sound and good :)

However, we're doing a lot of catching up because folks don't always get the whole reasoning behind the forum advice to do it by paypal as a purchase.

With that in mind, this is part of a conversation I've had today as I tried to explain things..

The idea is that you're not out of pocket, and the Buyer is buying insurance, but technically you're the one that Paypal will charge for it.
So, you work out the fees and you say on the thread that this total covers them under paypal's insurance.

I don't think it covers you though if it goes astray, not unless you take out the extra insurance with the post office or the courier you use, and again you add those costs onto the price.

That way, you're both covered if the knife goes missing.
Hopefully it's totally unnecessary, but I've been Modding long enough to know just why insisting on this is a sound idea.
Very, very few sales go amiss, but those that do can be very difficult to resolve so that no one loses out.

Thank you everyone who clicks the report button when they spot something that's not quite right, it is much appreciated, it saves the Mods a lot of trouble trying to keep an eye on every thread, especially ones they themselves don't usually read.

I think that we need to refresh that message, have it stickied at the top of the FM and M classifieds.
Anyone think of anything else that ought to be added to it though?
I wondered about some kind of calculator for the fees too.

Thankfully problems with sales are rare, but when they go amiss it can be an expensive loss for someone.

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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.