Making leather(pic heavy)

stuart f

Full Member
Jan 19, 2004
Hawick, Scottish Borders
Hi folks,well now that work is starting to get less hectic i finally got round to finishing a couple of projects.
I thought you might like a look.
First one.
So back in April i was lucky enough to get a chance to work with this fine beast, and after skinning it i managed to procure the hide(thanks Patrick).

When back home i decide that i would turn the hide into Buckskin,as i had already tanned a hide with the hair left on.
So after scrapping off the meat and fats that were still attached to the hide,i put it into a bucket of water,to make the hair slip.

After a few days in the water,which was changed daily,i tested it to see if the hair was slipping,but it was not quite ready yet.So after another few days it was slipping off nicely,when just pulling the hair out by hand.
Then it was back to scrapping.

Improvised scrape block.

A couple of me scrapping(By the way no laughing at the marigolds),i had a small cut on the hand and i did'nt want to get it infected.Thats my story and i'm sticking to it.......


So once the hide was de-fleshed,de-haired and the epidermis layer scraped off,it was now ready for the tanning process.But alas work was starting to get busy,so i put it into a poly bag and popped it into the freezer.

Well time went by and here we are in October!:Wow:
On Tuesday night i took the hide out and left it to defrost,Wednesday it was down to the supermarket early,to get some liver and a half dozen eggs,which would be the tanning solution.
Back at home i minced the liver,then cooked it in a little bit of water,until a porridge like consistency.Once cooled i whisked in 3 eggs.
After giving the hide a rinse,i worked the tanning solution into it.

Hide tanning,and then left overnight.

So yesterday after a good rinse to get all the solution off,it was time for the hard work to start.

Rinsed hide ready for working.

After wringing it to get as much water out as possible,i began pulling it this way and that way,stretching it over my knees,then more pulling and so on.........until completely dry.
Here you can see the hide turning into buckskin,on the left the white dry buckskin,the yellow patches are where the hide is still damp and needs stretching and pulling until it dry.

So after about 6 -7 hours of non stop wrestling the hide was dry,then I buffed it up on a rough piece of wood,a pallet that is in the garden did the job.
Well heres the end product lovely soft pale buckskin.

All that’s left to do is smoke it,so that if it gets wet it will not revert back to raw hide and need tanning all over again!!!!!!
Anyway thanks for looking.
Cheers Stuart.

stuart f

Full Member
Jan 19, 2004
Hawick, Scottish Borders
Hi folks,well i am just back from a few nights out and i managed to get the buckskin smoked.

The pics
Smoking above the fire.


And the end product.

A long process from start to finish but worth the effort.
Would i do it again? I Certainly would.

Thanks for looking.

Cheers Stuart.


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