Magazines, my opinions (short reviews)


Aug 10, 2005
Telemark, Norway
I have been subscribing to a few magazines over the last few years and I would like to express my opinion of them here. To anyone's information, I have no interest in kit. Just so you understand my point of view. :)

Primitive archer:

This magazine is about primitive archery, naturally. There is a fair number of articles on bowyery, some hunting stories and some information on plants. As with most magazines, most of the information isn't new, but is to be found elsewhere. As the Bowyer's Bible is so complete on this subject, publishing anything new on this subject isn't exactly easy. The magazine is rather cheap and very interesting, if you haven't read too much on the subject before. But I discontinued my membership because it rarely gave me something new.
Dice: 4

The bowyer's journal:
Bowyery is this magazine supposed to be about. When I subscribed to this magazine I expected some serious articles about making bows. To my disappointment there are very few of them. None that I have seen has given me anything new and I have subscribed from the first day. The articles are normally interviews with someone that obviously knows how to make bows, but there are rarely more than a few useful illustrations. The advertisement promised a lot of articles on bowyery, both modern and tradtional. There is little of the former and even less of the latter. That it is packed with American propaganda and ads for christian organizations everywhere doesn't really help. I have nothing good to say about this magazine and I can't wait for my membership to expire.
Dice: 1

This website's own magazine to be about bushcraft, a term I rarely use and don't like. When I subscribed to it I expected a lot more skills and tutorials and a lot fewer kit-articles than I have yet to find there. The magazine is rapidly expanding in size. Contentswise I would say that there are no more of the tutorials and how-to-do articles now than there were in the previous issues. The plant side of it has really improved in the last issue though. There is way too much kit and comparatively only slightly more back to basics than a common Norwegian outdoors magazine.
Dice: 4

The Bulletin of Primitive Technology:
Like the formerly mentioned magazine, this is a community effort. It is about my kind of "bushcraft", packed with articles on making things, skills in general and reports from relevant experiments or experiences. As I have mentioned, orginality is lacking in most magazines. That is true for a few issues of the bulletin too, but usually there is loads of new, exciting information in every issue. The price may seem steep, but the quality is definately worth it. My advice: Subscribe now and buy all available back issues. :D
Dice: 6


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
Thanks for the feedback on all the magazines, you’ve tempted me to have another look at The Bulletin of Primitive Technology, it’s a great magazine. I’ve not read the archery mags before and the Bushcraft Magazine that we put together is developing all the time so the feedback is appreciated. I think it all comes down to what you’re focused on, some people love all things primitive and others like a mixture of things, old and new.

I’d not see the thread before or I’d have posted earlier :D


Full Member
Sep 12, 2003
The Bulletin of Primitive Technology is a superb publication, its worth noting that the best of the past articles have been compiled into two books 'Primitive Technology, a book of earth skills' and 'Primitive Technology, Ancestral skills' hopefully a 3rd will follow soon.

With regards to your review of ‘Bushcraft’ the guys here at BCUK are continually striving to improve the magazine, would you mind assisting in this by expanding upon and clarifying your review?

I think this might help as I can’t find the cause for your opinion that there is ‘too much kit emphases’ in the magazine

Below are the contents of the first two issues of the BCUK magazine ‘Bushcraft’ (I don’t have the third issue yet), I have highlighted articles which could be considered as kit orientated:

Issue 1

Nature as wallpaper – 2 pages (our perception of the natural word)

Competition & Cartoon – 1 page

Review of Petzl tikka XP – 2 pages

Review of 5.11 Shirt – 2 pages

Making a bow from kiln dried timber – 5 pages

Twelve plants for twelve months – 2 pages

The reality of food in the bush – 3 pages (food article)

Making lime bark cordage -2 pages

Fire by hand drill – 5 pages

Issue 2

What’s frying tonight Boss? - 5 pages - (plant food article)

The art of nothing – 2 pages – (the art of efficiency)

The try stick – 7 pages – (knife skills instructional)

The reality of food in the bush – 4 pages

Interview with Alan wood – 4 pages

Book reviews - 2 pages

Prevent insect repellent review – 1 page

Nanok endurance sleeping bag review – 2 pages

Competition – 1 page

Making a slate arrowhead – 2 pages

Camera use article – 2 pages

Making a waxed leather water bottle – 5 pages

Preparing a pheasant – 2 pages

12 plants for 12 months – 2 pages

So in the 76 pages that make up the first two issues there is a total of 9 pages on kit, which articles would you have preferred not to have been included and why?

Whilst I don’t have a copy of the third issue yet it is my understanding that it contains an even lower kit article to instructional article ratio that the previous two, can someone who has issue 3 confirm this and give a run down of what’s in it?
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Aug 10, 2005
Telemark, Norway
I'll do it for you Stuart.

Autumn harvest calls - 5 pages
The song of the paddle - 2 pages Borderline I'd say
The sky is the limit - 3 pages
Fungi or food - 3 pages
Bushcraft! What's that all about? - 3 pages
Interview with Alan Wood - 3 pages
Moon Compass - 4 pages
Collins Gem - 1 page - review of "Food for Free"
Primitive Living, Self-Sufficency & Survival Skills - 1 page - review
An illuminating review - 2 page
Win a GB Hunter's axe - 1 page
Make your own arrow (Part 2) - 2 pages
The Roycraft 'A' Packframe - 4 pages
'Skinning' a Pheasant - 3 pages
Bushmoot 2006 - 2 pages
Twelve Plants for Twelve Months cont... 2 pages

To sum it up: 11 pages of kit of 41pages in total (counting regular content). In other words about 25% of the magazine is about the storebought stuff. In other words I got the cronology wrong. There is more kit now than there used to be. Sorry about that...

I don't know why I had the impression that it was the other way around. I guess it is because I read the latest one last.

To be fair, the BCUK magazine has the best paper, layout and look of all of the mentioned ones, but I chose to review content.


Full Member
Sep 12, 2003
over all three issues which articles would you have prefered not to see?

would you prefer a magzine that does not touch on kit in bushcraft at all?

is the 'The song of the paddle' article classifed as a kit article because presumably it makes mention of canoes? (I havent read this issue so I have no idea what its about)

what is in the 'Bushcraft! What's that all about?' article?


Aug 10, 2005
Telemark, Norway
Of course I would prefer that, modern kit that is. And I explained my point of view in the original post.

The article: "Bushcraft! What's that all about?" It is an interview about knives.

Anyway, there is no reason to get all worked up over this, is it? :confused: :D

Torjus Gaaren


Full Member
Sep 12, 2003
torjusg said:
Anyway, there is no reason to get all worked up over this, is it? :confused: :D

:eek: :confused: you misunderstand me Torjusg :(

I'm not trying to be confrontational, I am trying to help BCUK take on board your opinion and improve future issues of the magazine for you. :D


Full Member
Oct 17, 2005
torjusg said:
I'll do it for you Stuart.

Autumn harvest calls - 5 pages
The song of the paddle - 2 pages Borderline I'd say
The sky is the limit - 3 pages
Fungi or food - 3 pages
Bushcraft! What's that all about? - 3 pages
Interview with Alan Wood - 3 pages
Moon Compass - 4 pages
Collins Gem - 1 page - review of "Food for Free"
Primitive Living, Self-Sufficency & Survival Skills - 1 page - review
An illuminating review - 2 page
Win a GB Hunter's axe - 1 page
Make your own arrow (Part 2) - 2 pages
The Roycraft 'A' Packframe - 4 pages
'Skinning' a Pheasant - 3 pages
Bushmoot 2006 - 2 pages
Twelve Plants for Twelve Months cont... 2 pages

To sum it up: 11 pages of kit of 41pages in total (counting regular content). In other words about 25% of the magazine is about the storebought stuff. In other words I got the cronology wrong. There is more kit now than there used to be. Sorry about that...

I don't know why I had the impression that it was the other way around. I guess it is because I read the latest one last.

To be fair, the BCUK magazine has the best paper, layout and look of all of the mentioned ones, but I chose to review content.
Well I am rained off from work, so I thought I would stick my oar in......
KIT.....A set of articles, equipment or clothing needed for a specific purpose, Oxford dictionary.......
Autumn harvest calls.....Nothing to do with kit at all, so long you go forraging naked and you eat with your fingers, no bowl etc.
The song of the paddle.........Absolutley full of kit.
The sky's the limit.........No kit required, but no binoculars or telescopes
Fungi or food..........No kit required, so long you forrage naked and you have not got your knowledge of fungi from books.
Bushcraft ! whats that all about ? Yep all about kit
Interview with Alan Wood...........More kit than Nightriders talking car
Moon compass............Kit
Collins gem............Kit
Primitive living, self-sufficiency & survival skill............Kit
An illuminating review..............Kit
Win a gb hunters axe.............Kit
Make your own arrow..............Kit
The roycraft A frame packframe..............Kit
Skinning a pheasant.............Need kit for this.
Bushmoot 2006..........Kit everywhere
12 plants for 12 months.........Mentions books so, kit

As you can see the magazine is packed full of kit, and infact, the magazine itself is kit.
Torjus........I am not having a dig at you mate, just having another look from a different direction at it.
We need kit for just about everything we do.
Magazine is superb, packed full of useful info and has something for everyone, me thinks, keep up the good work :You_Rock_


Full Member
Oct 17, 2005
torjusg said:

I meant modern (especially commersially made) kit. :)
Yeah, I sort of knew that anyway, as I said, I wasn't having a go or anything, just looking at it from a different outlook, thats all.
Thing is, the magazine has to cater for all, and so kit will need to go in it to satisfy some people........
I think that the song of the paddle bit is dealing with enjoying life on the water, rather than the kit involed with that, so like you say borderline, because you do need kit to enjoy paddling.
The interview with Alan Wood is really an interview with him, and not so much about kit, though I do understand why you say kit.
Win the axe, is a competition, what else would be given away other than kit ?
I am sure the editors welcome your comments, but they do need to look at the whole picture to cater for all..........
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Full Member
Mar 31, 2004
Norfolk U.K.
It's good to see feedback being posted.

However,to take exception to balance of content after three issues seems a bit premature. :rolleyes:

IMO,there is something for everyone so far and it improves with each issue.

I'll wait out the full cycle before making any specific comments. :)

Simon E

Aug 18, 2006
3rd Planet from the sun
The biggest gripes I heard off the yanks boards were that it was too family/kids orientated. I havent seen the mag myself, I am just passing along what I have read on other boards.


May 5, 2005
Simon E said:
The biggest gripes I heard off the yanks boards were that it was too family/kids orientated. I havent seen the mag myself, I am just passing along what I have read on other boards.

Well since BCUK is a family forum I think that makes sense. I've not got kids myself, but I'm all in favour of encouraging them to learn.
Also I often find I can do the kids skills easier than the grownups! :rolleyes:


May 16, 2006
North Yorkshire
I think one problem is trying to find a balance between what is new and what is old.....

To explain further, new bits of kit will always be available. It's inevitable, people take an old design and modify it or construct it out of new/better/longer lasting materials. It's human nature "It's new,It's shiney..AND I WANT IT NOW!" (very generalising of course, not everyone is like that). :D

Traditional skills are just that, the same skill handed down through word of mouth, teaching, writen word etc. I imagine the bow drill has remained essentially unchanged for years. :dunno: But put an article in a magazine about it, i would find it fascinating and perhaps it would provide some new insight into what i am doing wrong (can't even make the damn thing never mind get an ember) but i respond better to someone showing me how to do things, it's just how i learn. To someone else who can do it in their sleep "oh god not another article wasted on a bowdrill, there's 2 pages i won't be reading" or to some extent people who are very clued up on plant lore.."I've already got this in a book somewhere, i know this"

Take issue 2's "camera" article. I spent a total of 5 years at college getting my degree in photography. There are always new techinques i can learn or adapt but reading the article went to the back of my reading priorities. I would like to think i know what i am doing with a camera. :confused:

To conclude- as long as a good balance remains between kit and tradional skills i shall continue to be a full member and vocal supporter of this site, it's magazine and it's members.


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
I think the mag is very informative, and don't forget a complete beginner will find the contents a lot more new and exciting than to somebody who has been doing this a long time. Saying that, it is a source of reference, and a good one at that even after just three issues. I expect the mag to continue getting better, and I for one will renew my subscription for springs edition onwards!!


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
In fact, why not post some of the things you would like to see in the mag in the way of tutorials, kit you would like investigating, and who you would like to see interviewed for the mag. This would help the people at the top make the mag you would like, feedback is important.

I would love to see a good tutorial to make amadou that isn't as hard as roofing tiles and that will light from a spark instead of needing ten minutes in a jet engine on full afterburn!! My amadou doesn't work at all, so a good precise tutorial would be great.

Seasonal things are great though, I like the plants for each season, a good idea. I also like good book reviews to increase my bushcraft library with, when it gets to a decent size I may post a picture of it!!

So in short, tell Tony what you want in the mag, I'm sure he will consider all requests and hopefully slip them in to future issues! :approve:


Aug 10, 2005
Telemark, Norway
spamel said:
In fact, why not post some of the things you would like to see in the mag in the way of tutorials, kit you would like investigating, and who you would like to see interviewed for the mag. This would help the people at the top make the mag you would like, feedback is important.

I would love to see a good tutorial to make amadou that isn't as hard as roofing tiles and that will light from a spark instead of needing ten minutes in a jet engine on full afterburn!! My amadou doesn't work at all, so a good precise tutorial would be great.

Seasonal things are great though, I like the plants for each season, a good idea. I also like good book reviews to increase my bushcraft library with, when it gets to a decent size I may post a picture of it!!

So in short, tell Tony what you want in the mag, I'm sure he will consider all requests and hopefully slip them in to future issues! :approve:

I have something in mind for the next issue. :)

Nothing to do with amadou though.


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Good stuff! I had an opportunity for a great shot of a roe deer the other day, I stalked it along a woodline for about 150 metres and just before I took the pic I turned around and my young daughter was bimbling down with her bright top on!! Needless to say, the deer ran off!! She hadn't stayed put as I asked her too, but I was thinking of getting out and taking some pics of the surrounding countryside and some of the animals living herabout and sending them to Tony, in case he wanted to use them. I'm off out in a little while to look for some mushrooms, maybe I will take the camera too!!


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 29, 2003
Simon E said:
The biggest gripes I heard off the yanks boards were that it was too family/kids orientated. I havent seen the mag myself, I am just passing along what I have read on other boards.

Which magazine are you talking about Simon?


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