Looking to Purchase cheap char cloth

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Jan 7, 2017
Hey guys,

I am looking to purchase cheap charcloth for some of my fire starting kits, do you guys know where I can get a large batch for a cheap price.

Regards, Azeem
Azeem, welcome to BCUK

There really is no need to buy charcloth as it is simplicity itself to make.

Merely tear up cotton or linen cloth (old jeans, dusters & tea-towels are popular) and put them into a small metal tin - if the lid of the tin is tight-fitting, poke a hole in it. Heat the tin in a fire (best done outdoors as the smell can upset other house members) until it stops producing smoke.

Remove the tin from the fire and cover the hole with a stone or something similar until it is completely cold

Voila, charcloth.

Plenty of videos on Youtube about it.


Ogri the trog
Not sure whether you are making these kits so you can have tinder stashed in many places around your home, or whether you are looking to sell kits. In the first case, what you have been told here, one tea towel or half a pair of charity shop jeans will see you good. Knowing how to make the char cloth is part of the skill set involved in making fire with flint and steel and is good fun to experiment with.

Based on what you emailed to Ogri though, it sounds like you are fishing for supplies to sell on, which is a bit of a cheek for a first post. If you are looking to sell kits, you should know that the people most likely to be making char cloth in bulk are your competition! As such I doubt that they will sell it to you cheap, and I would be dubious as to whether you get the best product.

Yeah right...😏

...and that is why we produce the best survival gear in the marketplace. We believe freedom comes from achieving a certain self-reliance level."

Even Delboy could do better than that...😁
Yeah right...��

...and that is why we produce the best survival gear in the marketplace. We believe freedom comes from achieving a certain self-reliance level."

Even Delboy could do better than that...��

Bon appetit, Leshy. In fact, I have a nice batch of charcloth, fresh off the back of the lorry. Lovely jubbly!
I've a big bag of linen scraps here, pristine, just bits left over from making sarks and chemises, if anyone wants it……

Toddy Sir,
May I ask for a a few bits? Just enough to be able to tell the difference between cotton ( jeans flannel etc.) and old style flannel. Half an envelope would be more then enough!!!!


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