Lee Enfield Oiling bottles

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I've got some of the old foil squeeze graphite grease tubes in the collection and a mate in 0z sent me a pack of the later plastic ones to go with my Lithgow SLR and L2A1 ( chopped to old spec standards ). I've only eve used it on zips!

i never could afford a chopped L7, the vehicle collectors wanting them to tart up their buggies always forced the prices up but I did piece together the various tools and spares kits as appeared in the manuals, down to the gas chamber scarper that appears in the first provisional training manual but was immediately made a armourers only bit of kit after they realised how much damage the average gunner could do with it! All in the to eBay pile now I'm only collecting a certain period.


I picked up a brass oil bottle off eBay and have cleaned it up, ready for use. I'm now looking for a silicon O-ring seal that'll fit it and keep the Camellia oil/Ballistol Klever where it should be. Anyone have any ideas about where I might find one?

Many thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.

When I find out I'll let you know, I will have to get the dimensions from the tube when it arrives and will probably try EBay... I have a sneaking suspicion that I will have to buy several as they are only worth pence each. If you can hold on into next week you can happily have a couple FOC mate when I get them?

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Comes in an aerosol now :)
We used to uses cases of the stuff at work for lubricating casting housings on a monorail spray booth... Spent many an unhappy hour as an apprentice on top of the shotblast spraying that stuff as the carriers went by... Amazing the memories that come back!

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Brass oil tube has arrived and cleaned up with steel wool / degreased nicely. I'm actually going to silver plate it to make it foodsafe, so I'll post the results in case its of interest. Just waiting for the silicon 'O' rings to arrive and it should all be sorted.

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Silver plating completed and very easy to do. The silicon 'O' ring is fitted and liquid tight. Next the real acid test of edible oil storage without tainting it. The silver chemical is called Nushine and is biodegradable and water soluble, so supposedly safe once cleaned up! I guess we will see.


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