Leatherman charge ti


Jan 27, 2010
I have one charge ti model lyin around,i never got to be friends with it and its been lost of its life in my hidden treasure chest,and i cant find the sheath atleast till now.Its in pretty darn nice condition overall and i think i havent even even sharpened its straight 154cm blade at all.BUT it has one small bad spot.Once when i was cutting some rather thick(3mm) plastic oil canister,i somehow must have pressed the lock open while cutting so the lock opened under pressure,and the lock mechanisn(that springy steel thing) bent a bit.It still locks but wont hold so well but handy guy with some flat screwdriwers or something can bend the lock to work like new again if he wants to.To me its not problem as i rarely used the blade as i carry always a real fixed blade,so teh tools own blade is like for spreading butter or other small jobs...especially after that incident:lmao:as the accident also got me into hospital and 7 stitches in to my two fingers.So if someone wants a decent charge in trade for something heres one.I must add that i am not always at hoem to send stuff as live away from home for most of the week,sometimes weeks in a row and im out there in the bush so if youre in hurry,im not the man for you:D

ill add pics later if anyones even interested.But it is like i said in very very nice condition except for that one blades locking device...not that it would affect hardly on use of it,that is.

In this picture youll see the bent locking device,its the right one,and the left one is how its set at factory,so its not bent in hard way,and blade still locks but wont keep like new.But as i said,if u have will & time,plus some tiny flat screwdrivers,or flat thin files you can bend it the way it should be,to get the lock as good as new,if you want to:

In trade im interested in vintage fishing reel(working ones),fixed blades,bahco laplander leather sheath,cookers,pat.58 steel mug and cooker unit( the one taht fits under the bottle,inside the bottle pouch),etc.






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