Where do I start!!!?
The site was amazing, just a small patch of woodland bordered by a stream , set in a valley.
The lady teaching , was realy good at explaining and helping muddles out, which I had frequently, especially on the tablet weaving.
The nalbinding seemed so simple, but I found in practice a little confusing between the different stitches, but we were given a comprehensive crib sheet of several pages to help out after the course.
I'm very proud of the lovely hand made bone needle I now have, and am waiting on a friend ordering me lots of wool to be able to carry on making things.
I made a small drawstring pouch.... the original aim was to make some mittens... um
The tablet weaving was fantastic, and I've come home with a foot or so of woven braid and about to order a loom to be made by a friend who is a brill woodworker, and hoovering cones of wool up at the local charity shop.
I had the best weekend I've had in a long time, even bottle feeding a lamb, and sleeping in a small safari tent next to the river, in a proper bed. I will be working as a volunteer on the site whenever I can get up there. There is coppicing to do, and lots more to get involved with.
There are thoughts of running basic bushcraft courses too, so that's something else I can get involved with.
They are lovely people, and even came down to get me a few days before to take me round the site to make sure I could cope with the steep hill. It was a bit of a struggle, going back up, but I managed with a bit of determination and gritted teeth!
I'm still recovering from the weekend, but it was worth all the effort, and I'm definatly more into tablet weaving than nalbinding, but it was great to learn both skills.