Last weekends walk

Feb 1, 2006
I to mean't post this before, but I thought I'd post a few pics of last weekend walk. First off was steep climb to get some height and to warm up.

And we needed it as soon as we got to ridge the wind chill really kicked in.

Had nice walk of about 10 miles over some peaks it was great weather very cold but clear you could see for miles. Then it was time to find somewhere to set up for the night idealy with some shelter as snow was forecast! But that was hard as we were in hammocks and needed trees! Anyway we found a spot with plenty of wood and a clear stream near by.

The lads I was with hadn't camped in hammocks and tarps before so needed a few tweeks.

Just time for a brew, collect wood and filter some water,then the lights went out and the temperature just dropped! now I'm not one for having fires for the sake of it but that night we needed it.

Had a good nights sleep nice and warm, first time I'd used my down bag that I'd had to zip it up all the way its normally half open as I'm boiling but very comfy. Woke in the moring to find a covering of snow it really transformed the place. Unfortunately it then started to sleet so it was quick pack up and didn't get any pics. A steady 9 mile walk back with some lovely autumn colours. In time for a fry up and buckets of coffee.


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