lapwing - Peewit

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I went for a bimble through the orchards this afternoon and was treated to our first lapwings swooping and calling over the open fields before I got to the orchard. No camera, light not good and anyway I'm sure some of you guys have far better shots than I can do :)

But here's a BBC video which is quite good (if you can put up Bill Oddie and GF every now and again). They've got some lovely flight shots which was what I was watching this afternoon. Most enjoyable.


Oct 27, 2009
Their great i have been serenaded by them all day today too i have not seen them for a couple of years at the farm where i spend alot of time and was well pleased when i first heard them , then this afternoon i saw two hares which i havnt seen round here for over 5 years , I hope they all nest this year.


Jan 17, 2013
North of the southern wall.
I'm surrounded by the noisey sods ;-) curlews, red kites, pheasants, patridge (not some DJ from Norwich ;-) ), sheep lambs, wabbits oh and a whole battalion of moles if our gardens anything to go by...... on the lapwing/curlew front,does anyone know why they make a noise 24hrs a day, they dont seem to sleep! unless they've worked out a shift pattern for staggin on.....;-)


Jan 17, 2013
North of the southern wall.
the RSPB site works and is quite good but the other link is fubar....we've either had a black grouse or capercaillie about aswell, loads of them lapwings though,
maybe 10 pairs....

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Enjoy them they are a partucular species that is struggling just now probably in part due to agricultural changes. they are on the RED list.

Its well worth registering and recording them here

I've seen one this year all on its lonesome here in East Lothian. Years ago there used to be hundreds wooping, swooshing and peewitting.


Very true about the agriculture. I have to "psych" them away before they nest. When we first came here they did come in beautiful fantastic hoards filling the sky. Then the farmer ploughed the field just after they laid ... it was awful and incredible watching them dive-bombing the huge tractors (to no effect) as their young were smashed by the plough. I had to go out for 2 days as I just couldn't bear it. The farmer is completely uninterested in arranging his ploughing in tune with the birds so now I psych them to go away and find somewhere else to nest. So far, for the past 10 years, it's succeeded and there've been no more massacres.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.