In truth I am interested in all ideas and at the time of writing, nothing is set in stone. As for cost, I just do not know. I am thinking of ten people at ten pounds ( 80 for lamb 20 for wood/veg ) but that is really just as much "nice" numbers as accurate numbers. How many does it take to eat a whole lamb?
1) Price of the lamb
I do not see us been able to get a fixed quote at a good rate this far in advance.
2) Side dishes
Do we get a great big salad to go with it?
Do we just have spuds and root veg cooked along with the meat.
Do we just provide the meat and let folk sort there own side dishes.
3) Mode of cooking
Underground / Overground
Roasted around a turning pole
Split open and cooked along side a fire.
4) Dividing the spoils
Just how do you share out a whole animal
What happens to the carcass
What bits go in the soup and who's going to make it
5) Group Event
As well as eating the meat I also am thinking of it being an EVENT
What skills can I bring, what things can I learn
Not ten tickets but ten players
I will wholly concede I have very few of the answers but I still feel that "WE" can pull this off
( or is it a pipe dream)
count me as one of the 10 then...
In truth I am interested in all ideas and at the time of writing, nothing is set in stone. As for cost, I just do not know. I am thinking of ten people at ten pounds ( 80 for lamb 20 for wood/veg ) but that is really just as much "nice" numbers as accurate numbers. How many does it take to eat a whole lamb?
1) Price of the lamb
I do not see us been able to get a fixed quote at a good rate this far in advance.
2) Side dishes
Do we get a great big salad to go with it?
Do we just have spuds and root veg cooked along with the meat.
Do we just provide the meat and let folk sort there own side dishes.
3) Mode of cooking
Underground / Overground
Roasted around a turning pole
Split open and cooked along side a fire.
4) Dividing the spoils
Just how do you share out a whole animal
What happens to the carcass
What bits go in the soup and who's going to make it
5) Group Event
As well as eating the meat I also am thinking of it being an EVENT
What skills can I bring, what things can I learn
Not ten tickets but ten players
I will wholly concede I have very few of the answers but I still feel that "WE" can pull this off
( or is it a pipe dream)
Maybe we could go ahead if we get a minimum of 10 then?
Does anyone know if the less fatty parts of lamb can be dried like beef, as in beef jerky?
I do have cooking skills for making the stock from bones but would not be able to provide the huge pot needed for such a task.
I feel I'd be learning more than teaching... just sayin'
I suggest we keep it simple and let others sort their own accompaniments to the meat. I'm think for hygiene, practicality and learning purposes, maybe we could, as a group, have a wander, while the lamb is roasting (or however we decide to cook it) and each of us forage for our own veg to compliment the lamb, but do that together? We probably all know a little about foraging, so an oppotunity to learn from each other there too?
Might be a good idea to think about when we do it, given that there are going to be things we will not want to miss, going on elsewhere...
Just a few thoughts, and as you say, nothing set in stone...