I received this email earlier and thought I'd just let you all know in case you're in that area or come across a possible match to anything taken. I've pointed her in a couple of directions for other sites...
Please can you help me - my dearest dad has just had all his beautiful handmade knives stolen from Grimsby, lincolnshire. I can't begin to explain the personal sentiment each knife has to my dad all waiting to be given to his grandchildren etc made from many African sources. I have enclosed an article which the police suggested to raise awareness of the knives - but my father does have a photo of each knife with details of every part of it - his hobby and live has been making knives. He had collectors knives he had bought personally like mike skellon and famous knife makes from Africa and Australia and even with personalised names etched on blades! How a local thief will offload these I have no idea!? Can you help - perhaps a link to any handmade knive forum that would recognise his knives!?
He is so devastated and I don't know what else to do! Any advice or forums for the sale of these knives would be helpful!
Again a more detailed list of each knife can be provided.
Thank you for you time, his loving and desperate daughter,
Justine Ramsden