Just a hint of badger sign (pic heavy)

bear knights

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Jan 18, 2007
both. bit like us in that some setts are full on late night party ...erm ..animals and won't emerge until fully dark. Other setts I've sat and watched seem to come out at dusk and do most of their foraging then, although not stayed up long enough to see what time those individuals returned to sett and then there's always the odd badger seen catching the milk float home at dawn.
I think I'm generally more the late night version (some of my best sightings have been when I thought it was a great idea to crash out in a field after a few jars :rolleyes: ), but when I do make the effort, then really can't beat that rhodedendron jungle feeling.
Heading out into woods this weekend to remind myself and can't wait.:D
Jul 15, 2008
Where I live there's a field behind my house which leads up to a strip of woodland and a farm and paddock beyond. There are a lot of holes dug around in the woodland so I knew there were badgers but I didn't get to see one untill last summer when i was standing around at the top of the field and a badger just walked out infront of me along it's trail. Needless to say we both got a bit of a shock ;).
I've been up a few times this year to observe them, I know where their sett is and there's a lot of cover (unfortunately of nettles) between me in the field and them in the wood so it's quite easy to observe them - seeing them playing around whickering, scratching alot and scratching trees. I managed to get a photo of one of them last year which turned out quite good too. http://youngfang.deviantart.com/art/Scrap-wild-badger-91850023 - if you want a look.
I'll have to go up and see them again soon. I haven't tried the peanut butter thing maybe I'll give that a go. :)


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