Jolly towards the Himalayas


Sep 21, 2010
Im lucky enough to be travelling in India with my work, so i incorporated some "holidays" into my stay and im finally got my plans sorted. Packing my bag tonight and jumping on the next train north from Delhi towards the Himalayas!

Not got the experience/equipment etc to go hiking to the top :eek: but i intend on getting as close as possible !

Spoke to some local guides and also found out that some of the passes are currently unreachable due to snowfall and the military will not allow access, so we'll see how far i get... Either way im sure i'll have fun !

Will try and get some decent pics and post them on my return.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
My brother spent abit of time in India and round the hymalayas walking/ climbing, from photos he brough back [and all sorts of interesting souviners] looked like he had a cracking time.

I'm sure you will too - if only it wasn't for the working part eh!


Full Member
Sep 24, 2008
In the Mountains
You will have a great time mate, I was there about 16 years ago and loved it . The India part of the Himalaya is stunning and if your feeling brave sit at the back of the bus that takes you from Delhi .( you will see why if you do it ) ;)

dr jones

Full Member
Feb 21, 2007
west wales
You will have the trip of a lifetime , keep an eye on the weather it's monsoon season out there at the moment so streams can become raging torrents in minutes but that's more likely in the foothills on the southern side of the mountains . Make sure you have copies of all you docs just in case there are many police/ military checkpoints on the roads . Lastly don't drink any water unless you broke the seal on the bottle yourself and don't eat any fresh produce, the food is fine it's the water it's been washed in that will give you problems . Apart from those few things you will love it up there , try a cup of mountain chai it's superb ! Have a safe trip ATB


Jun 13, 2010
Bury St. Edmunds
Watch out for the leaches they can get right up your nose... literally. A friend told me of someone who had this unfortunate event happen to them and the locals he spoke to saw it enjoying the scenery and believed he had a demon, he was initially surprised at their reaction being non the wiser until he was washing his face in a mirror and it had appeared. Yukio.


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