Jerky - Yummy - and some hints, etc....


Aug 17, 2006
Yeovil, Somerset, UK
I've bought me one of the dehumidifiers from Westfalia. Made a batch of jerky yesterday and yum. To all who suggested it - wet marinade is the business - thanks. I think that this may end up being something I make every weekend.

Also - I live with SWMBO's elderly parents and we have a devil of a time getting them to eat right (what is it about old people and tea and cakes?) but they seem to have taken to dried fruit with a passion.

For those wondering if jerky making is for them get one of these gadgets or even start where I did and make it in the oven. Well recommended.

Things I learned (both from doing it myself and advice from others):

1. Wet marinade is the best.
2. You have to make the flavor in the marinade much stronger than you think- seems to lose a fair bit of flavor as it dries
3. Get the thickness right - you'll need to experiment to see what suits your method of drying but it is vital
4. Tupperware tubs are good for storing it - but make sure it is totally cooled after drying or condensation builds up and that will make it spoil. The last load I did in the oven seemed to store ok in tupperware.
5. You don't have to use really expensive fillet (like I did at first) - the batch I did yesterday was thin frying steak that I beat a bit flatter - I did 4 times more than I did with the fillet for just the same money.
6. My favorite flavor is soy, chilli and garlic - but not so much with SWMBO (by all accounts I could kill at 50 yds with my breath)

There you go. Some hints and so on. Hope it's handy.
If you are going to the Wilderness Gatehrring make sure you try some of the flavours done by Martin'S Jerked Meat, he does more chilli varieties than you'd think possible, and all sorts of different meats. I make my own jerky too but Martin does some amazing flavours well worth trying


Jul 29, 2007
Kilkenny, ROI
im looking to buy some jerky ( not neccesarily beef) there are just too many on ebay i mean how do u know who really is the best?
anyone here vouch for a supplier that will send to ROI for reasonable cost - im not looking for pissy sampler bags but 1lb bags at least cos i love the damn stuff - must be moist tho not rock hard

sorry to thread jack
Definately talk to Martin, currently has has a lot of goat and a lot of venison varieties, all of which are delicious, and he'll do bigger bags if you ask him. His email I think is but if that doesnt work let me know and I'll track down another one. You may like his biltong if you prefer softer cures, have a chat to him anyway. As I said, I make my own but I can't beat the range he does and I'm always happy to recommend him. He's currently in the running for Local Food Hero award if that gives you an idea of how well regarded his range is.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I used to do a wicked "turkey jerky" with a cranberrry marinade!
When things go financially difficult I sold my dehydrater and have regretted it ever since....


Jun 15, 2007
I love turkey jerky, I have never tried cranberry marinade though - how do you make it?

I normally use dark soya sauce, salt, sugar and some barbecue sauce. The soy sauce I get from my local chinese supermarket 'cos they only charge about £3.50 for 5 litres compared to the little bottles at over a quid in the large supermarlkets.

I oven make mine. But, when I was in Germany a nice yank showed me how to make my own dehydrator - basically a wooden box with a couple of light bulbs inside. About 30 - 36 inches high and then wide enough to take whichever wire trays you can find. It has to be a bit crafty around the bottom so that you don't have marinade dripping onto the bulbs or connections.

I had to "throw the disgusting thing away" when I left Germany but as I think about it, I may make another.......... :D :D


Life Member
Dec 31, 2005
I've been doing fruit and beef in my dehydrator for the last few months and loving it. Someone has mentiioned in the past jerky balls, I take it it's just minced beef made into balls. Has anyone tried it, if so what size works? I've been using the 'minute steaks' the supermarkets have been selling for BBQ's and the like. What's the Turkey jerky like? Has anyone made chicken jerky successfully? Mine didn't work out too well.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Cranberry marinade
Home made cranberry jam/sauce - thin with sugar water and pound it into the turkey!
Not subtle but very tasty!


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