Jack Russel vs Possum


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Last night I was at a friend's house (actually the mother of my daughter but that's another story) Her Jack Russel is terrible about escaping the house and running off for hours if he gets half a chance. She obviously worries because there are critters here that can kill him easily (coyotes, alligators, hawks, etc) in addition to the proximatey to the equivalent of your A roads.

Last night my daughter accidentally let him escape and a couple of hours later we heard him barking and growling from under the chicken house. Barbara (my daughter's Mom) thought he was stuck but at one point I saw him push something furry out from under the edge then dissapear back underneath with it still in his mouth. It took several minutes of coaxing to get him to come close enough to the edge that I could grab his prey with an egg retrieving pole; all the while listening to the struggles.

When we finally got him out, we could see he had a possum slighty larger than himself and he was smiling ear to ear. The struggle continued even as the possum remained motionless (the dog seemed to know instinctively that he was "playing possum." Even though I shold have known better I thought he'd killed it just by seeing the wounds and having heard the bones crunching during the struggle so I threw it into the trash to keep the dogs away from it. This morning when I checked on it, it had livened back up and I releases it into the woods where it surprisingly shuffled off into a brush pile to await dark.

Anybody else got JR stories?

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
My buddy was a fencer. He had the cutest JR called Sally. Sally sat on the barstool next to him in the pub - she had to share what he had and would be until she got it. He liked salted peanuts. She would beg for one, put it in her mouth, spit it out (she hated them) and then beg for another.....

She loved the kitchen door (the "magic" door where food comes from) and when it opened would leap on the bar, run along it , leap to the floor and stare at the waitress willing her to drop something by "doggy mind power". She was so cute, it often worked with an "extra" sausage!

She was soft and lovely. When out and about she would kill anything she caught - rabbits, hares and on one occasion a squirell she caught by running up a rough barked tree that was admitedly leaning a bit.

Fantastic dog - he used to wind his truck window down and home time and she jumped through it. Always wanted one of her pups.

Andy BB

Full Member
Apr 19, 2010
I;ve always preferred big dogs - definitely not keen on the little yappy monsters like Poms and chihuahuas (pity my mum loved them....)

But when the time comes that I find big dogs too much to handle, it'll be a Jack Russell that I'll get. Just love their personalities!


Apr 3, 2012
Runcorn, Cheshire
Our little puppy mafia (grandma [9], ma [3], son [1]) are notorious rabbiters, whenever we take them out they're straight after rabbits and 9 times out of 10 we come home with at least 1.

the ma has a habit of cuddling up in whatever jacket i'm wearing and if i'm not wearing a jacket she'll try and get under/in whatever i'm wearing.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
According to a friend of mine JR's are statistically the most dangerous dog in the UK, they bite more folk than any aother breed. That said I love JR's and generally think it's the stupid human who annoyed it in the first place. Snoop my late one only nipped me once hard and it was because I got him over excited when playing and you could see he felt bad about it. Best friend I ever had soft as butter unless you were a rabbit, hare, deer, mink, stoat, squirrel. Wouldn't even look at sheep (trained well there) and had a facination with horses, especially big shires. Was also strangly intent on watching pigs and goats, but then I find them quite dog like myself in their behaviour. So although they may bite I also find them incredibly loyal.


Dec 28, 2010
The in laws jr who I walk is petrified of the wifes indoor rabbit its so funny if he comes to our house he lies on his belly and backs past the rabbit while not taking his eyes of her, I think the rabbit knows as she thumps her back paws to scare the life out of him and he takes off lol
Mind birds are a different matter he loves chasing them and he once chased a fox but I called him off luckily


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