Inuit Snow Knife / Saw



I've definitely got a bit of an Inuit thing going on at the moment. First the goggles, then the Fid but now I've been looking at some of the old snow knives that turn up in collections.

Most of the originals, from pre trading times, are made from whalebone or walrus ivory but I didn't have any suitable bits so I decided to have a go with a bit of seasoned oak instead.

Again I have varied from most of the originals by turning one edge into a saw as well.

The whole thing is 26.5" long, 2" at the broadest point and the blade is 1/2" at it's thickest. It's nice and light for packing too.

I really don't know how well it will work, I have a backup saw in the handle of my snow shovel so no worries, but I couldn't resist trying one out.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.