Interesting overnighter


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 3, 2008
I went out this weekend with a couple of friends to Dinas rock near Glyneath in South Wales.
Dinas Rock is a well know outdoor pursuits site famous for gorge walking ,climbing and mine exploration.There are a few places where you can spend the night without being disturbed (with permission).
I arrived at about 14:00 and met up with Taff ,Simon and Barry who had been there most of the day climbing and abseiling.
The plan was to walk up the gorge to our pitch for the night and Taff and Simon were to go off mine exploring,Barry was only there for the day.
We followed the footpath to "the cascade" which is a waterfall that you have to climb up to get to the "overhang" which is a large cliff overhanging the gorge and then onto "3 mines which is close to where we were going to stay.
As we approached 3 mines we came across a casualty from the gorge walking.
A young girl had been shown how to jump from the bridge into the water along with the rest of the group,unfortunately she had broken her leg.
She had walked down to the bridge via the footpath this is a descent of 20-25 feet and then a jump of 20 feet into the water.
The instructor had sent the rest of the party back to the car park,a climb and descent of about 200 feet and a wlk of about half a mile.He sent them back to get help while he remained with the casualty.
When we arrived he had dragged the casualty from the water and dragged her up to the footpath where he applied his only bandage to her ankle.He had no other first aid kit or any means of contacting help.
He had sat the casualty on a bouyancy aid and was trying to force her legs into a bothy bag.She was wearing a wet suit and a pair of trainers which were both soaking wet and she was already in shock.
I had my pack with me(too lazy to walk up without it and then go back down for it later)So had my FAK and everything for a comfortable night out.I took of my jacket (fleece and waterproof) and stopped the instructor doing any more damage by sending him off with Taffs mobile phone to get the emergency services involved.I put my jacket around the casualty to give her some warmth and prevent further heat loss.The other members of our party also gave their jackets to cover her completely.She had been out of the water for 20 minutes as was trembling and passing in and out of conciousness? .She was getting deeper and deeper into shock and exposure .I kept her talking a managed to stabilise her to the point where she was fully concious?.
Mean time Taff,Simon and Barry were dealing with the instructor and the emergency services.
Typically in Wales it started to rain,I got out my tarp and covered the casualty with it so she wouldn't get wet .
Soon the air ambulance arrived and landed on the level ground 200 feet above us and came down to take over.
The police arrived and did their bit ,the mountain rescue were called as the casualty was at the bottom of a gorge and would need to be carried out to the helicopter.
The air medic examined the casualty and decided that she needed to be in hospital ASAP and called for a sea king to airlift her to the hospital.The sea king arrived shortly after and a winchman was lowered lowered down and the sea king left to hover elsewhere.He spoke to the airmedic and agreed with his decision.Seconds later the sea king was back and lowered a stretcher basket.The medics loaded the casualty into the basket and breifed us on what to do.
We took the casualty to the pick up point 50yds away and retreated as the sea king returned to collect the casualty.
It was at this point the instructor returned,he had been back to the carpark to get dry and have a change of clothes(yes he had left the casualty as she was no longer his responsibility because someone else had taken over.......Me).
I was furious that he had taken a group out gorge walking without a FAK and no way of contacting help and then washed his hands of the whole incident.
He had only returned to collect his bothy bag!!!!
We walked to the top of the gorge carrying the airmedics kit for him and were suitably impressed with where the helicopter had landed,I would have thought twice about parking a car there.
Mountain rescue had jusr arrived,but were to late to be of assistance.Apparently they were called an hour after the sea king.The air medic said if we hadn't arrived and done what we had the casualty was in real danger of dying from shock and exposure,as it was when she left in the sea king she was in deep shock and hyperthemic with exposure.
She's not the first to be in deep shock after meeting me.:yikes:

Anyway we made our way down to the carpark and got the other lads kit.We made camp in a nice spot next to the river and had a cracking supper and a good old moan about no good instructors.
One of the most varied nights out I've had lately.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
WOW cannot belive that someone would take a group out without FAK and no way to contact help if required.

Well done to you and your mates on handling the situation and saving the girl and glad you had a good nights camp as well.


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Well done Chris for taking control like you did.

I hope you can find out how the girl was afterwards plus who was the instructors employer and tell them just what happened... idiots like that instructor shouldn't be in charge of anyone let alone kids
Nothing but full blown respect for you sapper
well done for doing the right thing in the first place by helping rather than just walking by and leaving the cleary incompetant instructor to deal with it,
Also well done for having the right kit with you so you were prepared for an emergency situation you cleary werent expecting when you left that morning

You have my utmost respect and admiration
and as mesquite says lets hope you can find out the instructors employer....


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 3, 2008
The instructor was self employed.There are no qualifications for gorge walking,you just decide to do it and become an instructor.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I would hve thought that the minimum qualification for any kind of walking - not just gorge walking - would be a (I think this is right) "Walking Party Leader" - if the guy had no qualies would he have insurance?
I hope the lass is OK - and the twerp of an "instructor" learns from this!
Good work Sapper... I am glad you had your FAK and all the other gear :)


Full Member
Aug 8, 2008
south Wales
Nice one Chris. This evening I'll see if I can find out what happened to the girl and post it up if I'm allowed (sometimes we don't get any news or we're not allowed to pass it on outside the team).

Also I think I'll have to check out the area for an overnighter. Haven't been there before and it sounds like a good spot :)

PS: have you thought about joining Mountain Rescue? There are a number of ex-forces guys and it can be a lot of fun (blatent recruitment plug there!). You (or anyone else in the south Wales area!) is welcome to pop along to a training evening. Western Beacons are based in Sarn, Bridgend and train on Monday nights. PM me if you're interested.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 3, 2008
Mountain rescue were let down badly by communication,they were not called until after the sea king was called .Seems a bit off to expect volounteers to go at the drop of a hat and then not tell them until after it's over.


Full Member
Aug 8, 2008
south Wales
It's not the first time and certainly won't be the last :-( . That along with the unfun jobs (finding them too late or silly bugger callouts where they should have known better or could have self rescued) make it a bit frustrating at times. Te here again, the successful callouts and team spirit make up for all the crap!


New Member
Mar 14, 2011
I was mountain biking in the area Saturday, imagine my surprise when I rounded a corner to be faced with this! Had a quick chat to the pilot, they were waiting for the Sea King at the time. We heard people jumping in the river as we passed the spot on our outward leg, thought at the time it was a bit risky.


I could have sworn I saw a mountain rescue 4x4 in the car park as we left which would have been 5 or 10 minutes before the Sea King arrived.


Full Member
Sep 28, 2007
Sadly, I can confirm, no quals needed for Gorge scrambling, not even covered by AALA. If the instructor was freelance was he working fir himself or sub contracted by an outdoor centre ? Personally, if you have any details of him I think you post them up and warn others who maybe thinking of sending their kids with him.

Well done for doing all you did !


Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
Well done indeed excellent job mate. It just goes to show though, how easy it is for the public to be fooled into thinking that going out with a "leader" means they will be safe. This guide I think should be charged with reckless endangerment and neglecting "duty of car" at the very least.


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