Industrial Ice Flow

I quite often like to explore new places; hidden placees that are difficult to access. It's in these places that you most often find signs of the green life especially in urban or industrial areas. So last evening the dog and I went exploring the wee burns that run off the Kilpatricks into the Clyde. We were looking for potential fishing holes, signs of otters, badgers and bird life.We found what at first confusingly looked like an ice flow!

But on closer inspection...

It was apparent that it was pretty bad pollution. This is where a wee burn runs into the Clyde and believe it or not there are otters using it and sea trout and salmon migrate up it, but not very far, their route to the reds are blocked by a fish proof weir. Sadly all the badger setts along the green corridor it provides have been all dug.

The sunset was nice in an industrial surreal sense even though there was not much sign of life on the shore that evening, nothing at all except a lone cormorant, it was barren, full of waste and disturbingly reminiscent of Cormac McCarthy's "The Road.

The pollution comes from a sewage farm further up the Clyde. I thought this kind of thing didn't happen anymore but it does and legally too.



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