import duty!


Jan 7, 2005
whilst browsing the dreaded ebay, i stumbled accross a sabre 75 OG used once pack! using a snipe tool i won the auction for the princely sum of $126 paid through paypal appox £96 inc postage once converted to gbp, magic i thought, top piece of kit at a good price. then a letter arrived. Royal mail, we have a parcel for you, we require payment of £17 vat and £13.50 import duty. s**T i had told the seller to put the value as $50 and say it was a gift, unfortunatly the seller either forgot or doesnt do that kind of thing!
i guess the moral of this story is, be carefull purchasing from over seas, remember to add vat and import duty into the equasion before you agree to purchase, or you may end up like me paying approx £130 for a second hand albeit in perfect condition rucksack that is only £20 cheaper than a new one from a shop nearby with a gaurantee!
still pleased as punch to have it and a really top piece of kit, cant wait to get it loaded at the weekend.



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