I like Hammocks.

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
It rained all morning,

then it rained all afternoon.

except for a few minutes.


I like hammocks.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010

Some really smart person decided that the best place to put the driver in a lorry was at the front so he could see where he is going.

They try to arrange it nowadays so there isnt even a huge bonnet in the way to hinder his view at all.

The lorry, like cars steers from the front, so he is able to see exactly where the front end is going as it steers inches in front of him.

In fact he is often sat right above one of the front wheels.

Considering he is driving a vehicle that can weigh best part of 50 tons.....

I think that is a very Good Idea.


No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010

Whichever lunatic came up with this one, decided that the steering should be at the back.

It should also be steered with a lump of broomhandle that you move the opposite way to where you want to go.

They then piled all the cargo up in front of him, quite often with a sort of caravan type accomodation, and then shoved all the sails in front of him too.


Of course, this thing can weigh up to several thousand tons, so accuracy is vital.

Oh and sailors usually drink rum.

I find trying to steer interesting.

The boat actually steers like its on the wheels in the drawings.


Ophiological Genius
Sep 3, 2004
Put all the weight at the front of the boat, you'll sink due to the dynamics shifting water up onto the bow and also create more drag. Steering from the front is less effictive in water too, by a large amount. And if you drink lots, you have more chance of falling in at the front. Nowadays though, rum has been largely replaced by champagne or Guinness, or both.. mixed... black velvet, a fine drink.
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No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Hi Jonathan D

Lol I absolutely agree with you - except I can fall off the back as easy as off the front and I dont need any drinks to manage it.

Usually, I just forget that shoving the steering stick left actually makes it go right, or I run into things because of the sails and stuff between me anf the front of the boat stopping me seeing what Im crashing into.

Apparently, mastering this takes practice.

I learned how to crash without any real effort and Ive discovered I have a real knack for it.

Still, the kids have become really good swimmers and are astonishingly good at fixing big holes in fibreglass...

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Just found this pic of an American cup boat on Google


The driver is at the back, trying to see where he is going between all the people hanging off the side trying to stop him tipping it over and the mast and sails.....

This boat has two big chrome steering wheels instead of a stick, but its still at the back.

They sail these things a close as 5 ft from each other at speeds of 30 odd mph......
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Oct 7, 2010
Oh Wow!

Thank you Tim.

Hadnt realised that the jetboil had fins.

Hadnt realised it was that fast either - 2 mins!

Looks like my theory was sort of right.

I wonder if aluminium fins would melt in the fire or if it could transfer the heat to the pot fast enough.

Any Idea what I could use to stick one on?

Ive been thinking about JB weld....


Havent tried burning any proper wood yet, only tea stirrers, paper and cardboard. Sounds like a little wire brush would be a Good Idea.

I really don't think you need to worry about melting aluminium burning sticks. Aluminium has a melting point of over 600° - and aluminium oxide which quickly coats any bare aluminium has a melting point of 2000° - it's just not going to happen.

Here's a system for brazing aluminium with just a good blow torch - it's an American website, but I know you can buy the rods here too:


Another big fan here - your kids have a great life with you as their dad. Hope I can do just half of what you do with yours as mine grow older.


Oct 7, 2010

Whichever lunatic came up with this one, decided that the steering should be at the back.

It should also be steered with a lump of broomhandle that you move the opposite way to where you want to go.

They then piled all the cargo up in front of him, quite often with a sort of caravan type accomodation, and then shoved all the sails in front of him too.


Of course, this thing can weigh up to several thousand tons, so accuracy is vital.

Oh and sailors usually drink rum.

I find trying to steer interesting.

The boat actually steers like its on the wheels in the drawings.

I once worked on a boat very like this out in the English channel surrounded by ocean going ships as tall as tower blocks:


That thing over the deck is called a whaleback, and no - you can't see where you're going. That's probably why the boat has such a big dent in it...

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Hi Southey...


Dont get me started on windsurfers....

They are even worse than boats.

At least boats have a steering stick.

To steer a windsurfer - after you have managed to drag yourself upright on it, which is like trying to stand on a log,

You have to wave the sail from side to side and thats supposed to make it turn.

The kids make it look soo easy.

I look like a rubber coated drunk who cant even stand up, who is doing his best to drown himself.

After half an hour trying to stand on one, I didnt have any problems seeing where I was going as I had torn a huge hole in the sail when I fell through it.

Poxy pigging things

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010

Thank you Ronnie.

Ive got some more ally lying around.

Not sure about £35 ish a box for those rods to get a hobo to work though.


These are the ones Ive been thinking of trying first..


No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Hi Ronnie

Im sure you will do fine with your kids.

I suppose all I really do is think about what I would really have liked to have had from my dad.

oh, and avoid the bits I didnt.

Planning is The biggest thing I do.

I start in the few days between Boxing day and New years eve, while the kids are home and we can plan.

We spread a sheet of wallpaper out on the kitchen table and brainstorm what was good in the last year, which we would like to do some more of, and what else we would like to do in the next year.

Not sure if I have posted any pics of us filling in our diaries.

We have one A4 page a day business diary each.

I take pics of what the kids get up to - not posing, but actually doing, and print them out from the computer and we stick them in with pritt sticks.

We look at our year in our diaries while thinking about the new year.

I HATE starting the new year with no purpose. It feels like I have no hope.

However, with a list of things we are going to try to do.......

I dont get to do them all. We still havent made it to Mars, Australia, gone bungee jumping off a pine tree, etc...

But I do get stuff done.

You can easily do the same.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
Hi Ronnie..

Ouch! Thats a big dent!

I do think that not being able to see where you are going is one of the things that makes sailing exciting.

You really dont know what you are going to crash into next.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010

We have done how a boat cuts through water and doesnt like going sideways....

We have looked at the way they steer and the fact that teh driver cant actually see out the front...

Now we need to look at wind.

After that, our next disaster might actually make a little more sense.

No Idea

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 18, 2010
THey looked really good on my machine, but now they are uploaded they look bad.

Took me ages to make them too.

Mutter, Mutter.....


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.