I had better make a decision now...


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006

Heres me not worrying about the plague....

...living on a campsite I may have to go if the Govt shut them down. There will be a lot of us in a fix. (Many `permenent holidaymakers` in Cornwall...)

My Dad is on his own in isolation.

Should I join him? If not, Im going to have to make some contingency plans.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I would recommend you join him and the sooner the better. As you said it’s likely to be mandatory at some point and the longer you put it off the more chance one of you will become infected and pass it on to the other.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I think I'd advise that you pack up and go home to your Dad, Tengu.
If nothing else, you'll have each other for company, and you can be close enough to help each other too. Dad's age and health means that he'll get priority for deliveries and the like.
I know you didn't want to go home, but Universities are either going virtual or closing down, and if the caravan park has to close too, then maybe best go before you find yourself out of time to do it at your own pace.

I admit my bias; I'm feeling it just now because one son lives with us and is now working from home until this is by. The other, and his girlfriend whom I love like another child, live in Glasgow and I'm not allowed to visit or hug, or be hugged by, them. It's all very well using FaceTime and the phone, but it's not the same as actually having your family beside you. I'm a cuddly little lady, I expect to be hugged by family and friends, and suddenly I'm bereft. I am socially active and suddenly I'm not.
It's all quite disconcerting and awkward.

Stay safe and healthy whatever you choose to do.



Full Member
Feb 13, 2016
I think the idea was for campsites and caravan parks not to take bookings and letting holiday makers in, It would be difficult for the parks to close completely especially in Cornwall as there are so many similar to yourself who actually live on the parks, I am sure you have seen the one at the end of the M5 as you cross the river just before Exeter, about 1000 people live on that site, think about traveler sites, they are basically the same as caravan parks, a lot of the hotels have closed so if the campsites close, a lot of people will have no where to go. the Council was on the TV asking people to stay away from Cornwall as they were afraid if too many people came they would be a burden on the NHS down here, coupled with the food situation they would only make it worse, and obviously they are trying to stop people travelling.

So if you are living in a static which has mains water and drains, I would not worry to much, because even if the site runs only basic facilities, you could be self sufficient in the static, if however you have to use the site amenities, toilets etc, then I would take the advice offered and get out while you can, have a word with the owners I am sure they will give you some idea of what is likely to happen.
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Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
I am reminded by a friend that since i have a Doctors registration here, technicaly I am resident.

However its up to the owners; if they close, everyone must go.

Including themselves, all four generations.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
If the site is their home as well as their business, then they won't need to leave. They just need to close the business down.

I think you're procrastinating.

Maybe think about where it would be easier to be. There, or beside your Dad....or is the thought of having to work to clear/ renovate your house totally overwhelming ?
I doubt you'll ever find a better time to do it though. This situation isn't going to go away quickly, and shortly the less movement of people from one area to another, the better.

Best of luck and I hope you and your Dad both stay healthy and well.



Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
If I get ill, the last thing I want is to be anywhere near him.

I might get healthcare if I need it, he wont.


I am discussing this and the fate of my kit with management (when I find him)

Dad, oddly isnt keen. (for someone who is normally pleased to have me around)

Hes been whining about food and oddly enough, toilet paper. (I told him I would come complete with a months supply and he frets over storage. I have a static...he has a three bedroom house. Go figure)

His routines been disrupted, not good for him

And I suspect he fears I will fuss if he does go out (And be sure of it he will escape; its `when` and not `if`)

Hey ho.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
It sounds like all of your considerations are valid, both pro and con. No matter what you decide I hope you both come through this safe and well.
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Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
No warning; had to get out ASAP yesterday.

Dads living room full of food. Too bad. (Im not risking it over night in the car)

Hes escaped. Ive no idea what hes up to. I think its the supermarket but am not sure.

He said he was taking the flowers down the cemetry but they are still in the kitchen....


Nov 17, 2014
Poole, Dorset. UK
I had a converstion yesterday, with a friend who lives on a site that is under the non-residential planning laws.
There was some confusion initially. His site owners said they would not throw anyone out untill they heard the legal position. But the next door site paniced and started shooing people out. But like many in this position, they had nowhere to go.
I understand that the trade organisation that most of these sites belong to, have smoothed the way and people these residents are being allowed to stay legally.

Another friend had already moved out of his site, for their shutdown period. No idea if he would be alowed back if he wanted. But he is stopping with his daughter, who owns a pub..... He's in no rush !


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Well, that is interesting.

We have many `permenent holidaymakers` on the site; but management have made it plain that this is not a home, that everyone needs to have a proper address.

I dont know what it is like on other sites.

I was told that there are approximatley 30 thousand other people in Cornwall in my position.

But I am glad to be here with Dad keeping him company. Its his birthday tommorrow, -I am here for that, and Easter.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.