How do you feel about MTP clothing/kit?

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May 14, 2012
North East (UK)
Hello all,

As above how do feel about this camo compared to the older DPM?. I never really liked DPM but I have had my eye on a MTP day sack and wind proof smock for a while now. I currently can't justify the above average surplus prices of these at the moment. Anyone own some? Any pros or cons?
Smock is a good liner with a few mods that help. There is a waterproof windproof black/brown liner smock now on issue that is much sought after.
The isssued daysack is robust, with enough molle strips to attach nearly anything onto it. Scoman sold a good arktis black daysack, that is just as good as the issue tissue version. As good as mtp is, there is cheaper alternatives that don't stand out. hope this helps
Wearing it in public certainly is a consideration. I was thinking that a rucksack would possibly be a bit more versatile than the jacket which would only be a bushy jacket. Also considered a 25ltr jack pyke rucksack which obviously isn't MTP. Anyone used one? Quality any good?
I often wear Realtree in public, but never really had any DPM or MTP, I'll were anything though, except skinny jeans- Never!!

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I quite like the look of MTP, I'm tempted to get a pairs of the goretex trews for winter canoeing, I'm wearing the Swedish Splinter camo ones these days and they're hardly subtle :)

I'm not one for camo normally unless I'm out with the rifle, and the last time I did that was about four years ago.
No it was me. I shouldnt need a link:rolleyes:. To be honest i wont wear it in public.As it feels like i'm in bright yellow, i try to stick with green or brown it feels abit more natural.
Thanks chaps. Should have worded it better, no link intended. Just theoretically speaking ;)
prefer multicam over MTP but for REALLY good hiding woodland hiding stuff = particularly in Autumn/Winter you cant beat MARPAT - even the repro stuff is great

personally though these days i stick to neutral greys and browns
The MTP smock is the bees knees - it has fleece lined handwarmers behind the front bottom bellows pocket, pit zips ... and a load of other bits that I forget right now. I would have one if I didn't already have too many jackets!
Now it is on general release it has come down in price dramatically, hopefully the non clothing kit will follow suit.

I prefer a plain pack for my kit, I have a black Bergen and detachable side pockets for weekenders, I wear black S95/2000 trousers, but will wear either DPM or MTP jacket, the MTP has some features the DPM doesn't which can be beneficial, especially the built in proofing, lined pockets and underarm vents, could do with the tail though and maybe an internal poacher type pocket, external rear pockets would be helpful for anyone who does shooting, but that goes for the DPM as well, time to get the sewing machine out...
prefer multicam over MTP but for REALLY good hiding woodland hiding stuff = particularly in Autumn/Winter you cant beat MARPAT - even the repro stuff is great

personally though these days i stick to neutral greys and browns

Repro MARPAT? Where can you get that reproed? The Marines trademaked the pattern; it even has the EGA incorporated into the pattern.
DPM worked pretty well in the Falklands Conflict...

Especially in monochrome...Anyone got the colour version?
I have the newer than choc chip desert cammo combats. Great hardwearing and comfy trousers. Lots of pockets when camping.
I'm tempted to get the goretex jckt and trs as they are so cheap. Lots of snow boarders wear them.

Seems like mtp is still more expensive than older patterns. That lined smock with hand warmer pocket sounds good for winter walking and climbing.
MTP has some features the DPM doesn't which can be beneficial, especially the built in proofing, lined pockets and underarm vents, could do with the tail though and maybe an internal poacher type pocket, external rear pockets would be helpful for anyone who does shooting, but that goes for the DPM as well, time to get the sewing machine out...

Got a link for that smock ?



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