How and why ?


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
I’ve transferred the photo’s over to my Blog :-
as I do not like the loss of control over the photo’s,

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I regard the photo’s as my property, that I want to share with BCUK,
but finding I can’t access them, because of “restricted access,” I’ve transferred them to where I can
thanks for your time Danny.
I take my photos at 3264 x 2448 resolution which means I have to pan about on my computer screen and reduce them to 800 x 600 for photo bucket to share here.Panning about though brings details into view that the eye might have mist.I noticed this on the large photo in Mondays tour to scale moor
post #3 photo 3 Scale moor link

thats all it took for Wednesdays Tour let's go and see what it is, if only because the map says it's on Raven scar. Parking the van in the disused quarry layby at SD71800 75108 on the Ingleton to Hawes road I crossed the road and made my way up the hill through the old quarry workings after the first uphill slog the second plateau brought me into the snow. The path's the curve on the right heading for the cairn

Looking over to Whernside

Starting to get above Twistleton scar level with the Lake district coming into view

The next plateau brings Inglebourgh into view with lots of sandstone erratics

By now it was dinner time and I had a crust with a scrape of Marmite and a cup of tea in a plastic cup water boiled on a Swiss volcano cooker using a couple of solid fuel tablets in a 1oz Tobacco tin with some Sterno solid fuel jell.Telescopic magnet pen to place lid on down volcano to snuff to use for next brew.3 tabs and a fill of jell is good for at least x3 brews.while the Bear had a home made bread (Canadian wheat flour) Honey roast peppered Ham with mustard,watercress and vine Tomato sandwich with Champagne in a Lead crystal glass

Lot's of sandstone erratics about with Ribblehead viaduct in the back ground

Then another snow climb to the next plateau

bringing Inglebourgh nearer

It was then along and down to the cairn which was the "how and why" of the tour

which turned into a brew and photo stop Swiss army volcano again relit from dinner
looking at Inglebourgh

Looking over to Scale moor Mondays dinner stop at the cairn with the brew stop Easter island head boulder behind right

before heading back down and over the ladder stile directly above the parking place on a 1 in stupid slope

with the light turning golden I set off back towards Ingleton to stop and photograph the sun set

on the way home

just thought I'd share and give map ref's cheers all Danny
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Dec 22, 2009
Great pics, and a whole bunch of memories came back from bimbling about out of Lancaster.

Do you always take a bear with you? Does he have his own bivi-bag just in case?


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England

just over the road from the parking spot in one of the derelict quarry buildings there's a nice pillar drill

here's the set up from photo #6 it fits the crusader and swiss volcano perfect is snuffable so can be reused and doesn't mess up the cookers or bags, I use it in most of my "hobos",sterno works fine on it's own not from here but first link on e-bay to show it for anyone not sure sterno on e-bayI just spoon it into the tin and push in a couple of fuel tabs I used to use these allot untill they started to be made in China and got harder (more solid) and were harder to light but I bought a load cheap at a Millits shut down and the alcohol jell will light with a spark and ignite the tabs so solving that

just thought I'd share cheers all Danny
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