Hot Sweet Brew!

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With all those negatives, I see all kinds of broths for the drinking.
Maggi, Marmite and Vegemite hot broth drink will curl your toenails.
Eat a big sweet Navel orange or two.

In my house and in a thermos for a day's bird hunting, I use one of 3 broth mixes which I buy as salt-free dry powders (one of those home-based kitchen herb & spice franchises). Beef, chicken and vegetable (really strong). I use a lot of the chicken one, always have one spare 120g jar in the cupboard.

Perhaps a decent dark roast bean grind with a snort of Bailey's or Grand Marnier might do the trick.
Well, we may be getting somewhere.
We do have a bottle of Tesco 'extra juice' blackcurrant squash.
So I will try a hot cup of that with my dippy egg tomorrow morning.

I will also give the Marigold a whirl. I'll go for the low salt one, just in case - I never put salt in anything so the taste of salt sticks out like a moose head in a fridge.

If you really can't take salt, then RealFoodSource sell a natural stock powder that is made only from finely ground vegetables. I love salty, but sometimes I just can't take any, so this is the fallback stock I use. (just checked for a link and they don't have any.....and neither do my other suppliers. Guess there's a hiccough in the delivery systems just now. Sod's law)

Nature's Root do have something that sounds very similar though.....

You could just make your own ? Happy to recommend both of these companies. Lovely foods :)
I suggest following the advice in Wayne Gisslen's text book: Professional Cooking. Load all the chopped vegetables and scraps onto an oiled sheet pan and roast at 350F until you see a lot of them appear to have turned brown-black. This is not burnt. This is the Maillard reaction of sugars and proteins which makes the taste we like.

Scrape everything into a stock pot. Clean off the pan with boiling water and add the washings to the pot. Simmer, filter and reduce to a heavy liquid that you can bottle and refrigerate.

I've done this with bison bones. Made the best stock ever.
I saw this in waitrose on a shelf, you can be my Guinea pig because i haven't the faintest idea how it tastes, although i know what its trying to replicate.

Other than that, Hot water is surprisingly refreshing.
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I don't think that would do; the first ingredient (and therefore the largest by % ) is salt.

You're right though that Kallo cubes usually do make a nice drink.
2 slightly off the wall possibilities get some of the British Army rat pack pouches that are designed to make continued consumption of water in the field palatable and mix those hot, unfortunately most are slightly strange fruit flavours avoid the cola and tutti frutti (yuk even cold)
Or...add hot water to Soy sauce, blend to taste, maybe with a splash of hot sauce
The problem is, I'm getting bored of tea.
I am.
I want a nice hot drink option for a quick brew up whilst out.
I'm getting bored of tea. All kinds of tea.
Oh my giddy aunt, the day that I get bored of tea will be the day that someone needs to bury me six foot under. I feel for you, I really do!

Shall I tell you what I want? What I really really want?
Is a zig-a-zig-aah?
Sorry I couldn't resist. That line might well blow over a lot of people's heads! but if you know, you know!

I jest of course, the suggestion of a nice cup of Chai is worth a look, it's hot, it's sweet and you can get that in tea bag form to which you can add milk and sugar.

How about mixing tea and coffee to make a Toffea or Cea!

Hot Ribena is very nice indeed, although I'd suggest that you use actual Ribena because the own brand stuff just isn't a patch on the real McCoy.

I know it's tea, but Milk Oolong is a very nice Chinese tea and well worth a look.
You people are disgusting for putting strange thoughts in my head.

I actually found a tin of Harrowgate gunpowder green tea and made up a big mug this morning. It's OK for a change but it will not become a habit, I like dark roast coffees more for taste and aroma.

I can buy quite satisfactory coffee beans, dark-roasted just last week, from a maker
2 hrs east of me. The village local one is very hard to find anymore.
Oh my giddy aunt, the day that I get bored of tea will be the day that someone needs to bury me six foot under. I feel for you, I really do!

Thanks, man. It's been a hard time and I appreciate the sympathy. I'm sure the fondness will come back, but right now I think I just need a break.

how about Bovril? not for me personally but could be an option for you.

Re-read the original post.

We've got a result.
I did try hot Ribena today. I wasn't hopeful because I thought it may be a bit like those dreadful fruit teas. When I took my first sip I thought, 'Hmm...yeah...' But a few sips later and I was thinking, 'actually, this is quite nice.' By the time I got to the end I was enjoying it.
Probably not something I would drink regularly. I was looking for something more savoury than sweet.
Which brings me on to...the Marigold.
That was a revelation!
I went with the vegan, low-salt, gluten-free, variety. Admittedly, that string of adjectives doesn't normally inspire excitement in many.
It was lovely! Pretty much what I was looking for.
So between these two I think I'll do OK until I start missing my mug of earl grey and can get back to a proper drink.
Thanks, all. Still happy to hear other suggestions.

Keep an eye on the Ribena in the shops just now. They do a seasonal one, kind of like spiced wine, but Ribena. It is lovely with hot water :)
We've just finished the last bottle from the stash I put by last year. I'm hoping to find it again :)

Marigold is good stuff. The kg sized tubs are a lot cheaper per gram, but it's an outlay only worthwhile if you'll actually use it in a timely fashion.

Make tea. Throw a dozen raspberries into the cup. Gives you something to poke at. Chopped orange might be good.

I like a big shot of dry vermouth on lots of ice as I cook supper. Usually add a bunch of strawberries or chunks of good Navel orange with a crab fork to spear them with.
who said tecoffee or coftea ? that must be something every GB child has wondered, tried and realized that it is grose either way. I think the the only thing worse than that is orangejuice mixed with salt/vinegar crisps so far............


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