Homemade cookpot stove and lid


Mar 2, 2009
Hey Guys and Gals
I am finally getting my kit going I made a billy out of a peach can piece of a bicycle brake cable crimped together through a couple of holes, from when I did some repair work to my ride and made a lid from a large tomato can also a knob from a piece of a cedar branch for the lid. Got 2 stoves a one pound coffee can and a Progresso soup can. still need to get some pics for y'all no cam yet I'm afraid gotta try and borrow one from a friend. Still need to get a test burn on the stoves but I think they should do alright. Not sure if you are familiar with it but the pot is sort of a poor mans(me) knock off of a Mors pot has a pour spout in it I may try using it for a coffee pot to but hoping it will do me well for making many meals and many many pots of brew be it coffee or tea best part of the whole set up for me is it cost me nothing so far and I got something to eat from it on top of it LOL


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