Hitching Stone


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
Today I finished refurbing a US SMP, made in 1982, M1950 petrol stove and with the rain stopping about 1:30
it was off to the Hitching Stone to give it a try.
Hitching Stone from afar

Supposedly the largest single boulder in Yorkshire it lies at the meeting of five boundaries and it is another glacial erratic
Looking at the West side which is facing Pendle Hill

Looking at the South side

Carved into the top is a deep water baisin about 8'x 4' and in todays high wind had waves blowing out and down the end of the rock

Where I sheltered out of the wind to brew up.The stove ran fine on Panel Wipe

it was wet and windy but at least I had a brew out, and a can of beans spiced up with some home grown chillies
Hitching Stone Lat 53* 52' 17.4" - Long 2* 1' 18.5 W
cheers all Danny


Dec 15, 2005
Great pics again Danny

In 20 odd years of living near Keighley I don't think I've ever been up to it, I've been to the Pinnacle and Tower but never the hitching stone. Apparently there's a tubular hole running the full length, did you notice it ?


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
Hi Shewie yes but didn't get a good photo, it runs through the square hole on the west side and up to the top and is the remains of a fossilised tree (Lepidodendron) which has since erroded away. In some of the hollows in the cliffs between the pinnacle and the tower there's still some in situ.The areas only 20 minute from home so I'll go back on a better day as I was having a job standing up in the wind and only had a couple of hours daylight to play with
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Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
I took a photo this morning (in the front garden) of a shelf full of local fossils I've collected.The three at the front are Lepidodendron

cheers all Danny


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
Looks good - must get a flexi day off soon. Do you fancy a wander and antique stove try out?

Sounds good I've no ties so if you can book some Azores high pressure, instead of these persistant lows, with your flexi - great
Do you have any where in mind ?One of my snags in going on my own is having to make it a circular to end up back at the van.
If you've transport how about a liner with one at each end ?
start Horton in Ribblesdale up over Moughton Scar - Thieves Moss ,Sulber Gate - follow the bridal path down Crummack Dale
- across Norber Brow and check out the Glacial Erratics if it's good weather up to Long lane or bad weather back down to Thwaite lane
then finish in Clapham and drive back for the other motor ?

Don't know if this is in the right place(in open forum) but it is about planing an expedition :D
cheers Danny


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
very interesting that that was carved out just for water collection...

Hi Bill if you read any of the Victorian folklore it will be no doubt full of Druids this and ceremonies that but in actual fact it's more mundane being a glorified horse trough with all the horse trails passing
The stone is such a prominent landmark the townships of Cowling, Sutton and Keighley meet here as do the wapentakes (an assembly or meeting place) of Skyrack (Leeds) and Staincliffe (Keighley, Settle, Skipton, Stainburn).
The Hitching stone measures 29 feet long, 25 feet wide and 21 feet high.The water hole is carved out to almost the bottom of the boulder but is kept full of rocks by the landowner incase any of the local Neds fall in and drowned . I think I'd just have it full of water and award the Ned a posthumous Darwin certificate.
Estimated at over 1,000 tons, The stone is of glacial origin and almost certainly originated on Earl Crag to the North. Being so prominent it is associated first with the Salt Packhorse tracks as in the middle ages salt was vital as it was not possible to grow sufficient hay to keep all the cattle through the winter as any good land was used for growing Oats,the staple foodstuff of the day.In autumn all but the breeding stock and Oxen used for ploughing were killed and salted for winter food.Salt was sourced from the Cheshire salt wiches from Northwich to Manchester.There's several place names in the area :- Salterforth,Salt Pye Farm, etc. By the middle of the 17 century self sufficient farming as a way of life was being replaced by a dual economy farming cottage textile industry.The population was growing again after the Black Death and with fresh land being taken from the moorland fringes Lime became an important commodity to sweeten the acid moorland and make mortar for all the new building.Limestone not being found in the eastern part of the Pennines had to be carried in from the West.The cottage textile industry saw improvement to many packhorse tracks as the weavers were scattered throughout the uplands which were not practical for a horse and cart to bring the wool to and the finished cloth away to market by a carrier known as a Brogger who owned a train of pack horses.It was common practice to use a train of 25+ horses, the lead ones wearing bells to warn of their approach on the narrow tracks.The bells are called Croatal bells having a lose pellet called a rumbler inside rather than suspended.The largest one in the picture made at the Robert Wells foundry at Aldbourne Wiltshire between 1755-1798.

more info on bell foundries :-
A horse would carry up to 2 1/4cwt(100Kg)in two evenly balanced panniers,sometimes mounted on a wooden frame called a crutch.
By the beginning of the 19th.century there were teams of carriers running regular services charging a shilling per ton per mile.Packhorse tracks were built to last and can sometimes be identified by a row of stone flags called "causey stones" about 3 feet square and 9 inches thick sunk into the ground.Valley sides had tracks cut and raked into the hillside,the word rake on maps often indicating the site of an old track.
The Hitching Stone was also the site of a Lammas fair until 1870, with the racing of horses nearby. A short distance away are two smaller stones,the one on the east called Kidstone, the other ‘Navaxstone’ which stands at the terminus of the race-course.
The Keighley 1858 Lammas fairs were also held here,though were stopped in 1870 apparently after a Typhoid outbreak attributed to troops returning from the Boer wars.
(I've spoken on the phone to someone, who's photo-copying a local 1904 newspaper article about it for me)
Lamma was the festival of the first wheat harvest of the year. The festival occurred on August 1, and therefore is one of the so-called quarter days of the Celtic calendar, which is closely linked with the solar calendar, based on the equinoxes and solstices.
cheers all Danny
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Full Member
May 31, 2008
Having spent most of my life in Sutton, i used to climb all over that rock as a kid :eek:)

It's a nice walk up through Sutton Clough if you fancy going the scenic route.



P.s. 20 mins away? Where abouts are you?


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
Hi James I grew up in Sutton and Crosshills in the 1950's so know the Clough well, used to sleep out around a fire, under the large overhanging rock on the left hand slope, of the right hand fork, heading for the top waterfall on the way up to the Pinnacles and the Hitchen stone. Might just do it again and post some pictures on here. I'm living over near Earby now.
cheers Danny


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