The rumours are true, the HIP energy efficiency survey is a complete waste of time and money. We had a valuer in, then a surveyor to do the energy efficiency survey (legal requirement now for a HIP) The bloke was a complete warbling muppet who knew precious little of what he spouted on about. I thought the energy survey was like an MOT for the hous'es energy usage/wastage etc WRONG, its actually just a pre conceived data collection exercise. I expalained (almost till I was blue in the face) my W_O_O_D_B_U_R_N_E_R is my primary source of heat in this hosehold, NOT my radiator's. Sorry sir our soft ware cannot accept that, you have radiator's, therefore our computer determins that THAT is your primary heat source (despite the fact our central heating is very rarely used- we installed a energy efficient (90-93% efficient actually) wood burner precisely because we didnt want to use an oil fired boiler to hat the house ) Its nothing to do with how much (or little) CO2 you produce, they are NOT concerned with how efficient (or otherwise) your boiler's/fire's etc are operating at or even if they work properly, just what system is in place. The report will inevitably be misleading and innacurate. You could have 2 identical houses, same design, volume, windos, insulation etc, one with a properly maintained efficient boiler, the other with a sooty, bad runner producing far more CO2/monoxides with worn nozzles etc, they'd get precisely the SAME rating. How stupid is that?