Hi, I'm a newbie.

May 7, 2016
This will probably be the shortest post I make, if I ever make any others, because I have been known to go on a bit :)

Okay, well, I am an old geezer who likes to fix stuff. I'm into the old ways of doing things, or I want to be, so I'm getting kitted up to move to France and start removing myself from the grid in as many ways as I can. That being so far: Solar electricity, composting [humanure], rocket mass heater installation, and manual methods wherever possible to reduce the need for electricity and other systems. Hence why I am here, I just bought a mangle and a gas fired copper wash boiler to do my laundry. I may convert the boiler to rocket stove power, we'll see. But while searching for info on fixing up the mangle I naturally came across British Red's thread

However, I'm not totally old fashioned; I do love my internet. So as soon as I get my 12 volt system running I'll try to get online cheaply. Plus I have a few petrol powered gardening machine which I have fixed up to assist in the land management. All I have to do is figure a way of making my own fuel. :p

See - I told you I go on a bit, and this was supposed to be a short intro :D


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.