There is Hemlock Conium Maculatum that was used to bump off Socrates, which produces progressive signs of poisoning such as paralysis, convulsions, etc but this can take some hours. This smells of mice when crushed and has purple spots on the stem.
There is also Hemlock water dropwort Oenanthe crocata which is more poisonous but less famous. This looks and smells like flat leaf parsley. When this plant is crushed the juice yellows on contact with air, also the where the leaf stalk meets the stem they entirely sheath the main stem. There is pictures of this in the overlevnad book. Hemlock water dropwort is only plant I know of that one of the features at autopsy is that there are pieces of it still in the mouth. You eat it, you enter status seizure, and then you die.
There are six other species of Oenanthe that grow in britian, and they all look completely different. All oenanthes are wetland plants some are coastal only. They are less poisonous than hemlock or hemlock water dropwort, but can still kill.
So beware of the wet-footed carrot and the plant stained with philosphers blood.
You can touch all the above plants in fact I cant reliable ID any member of the carrot family without touching and sniffing. Truthfully I am too nervous to entertain the idea of eating any member of carrot family even when I can ID them, but I eat amantias. 68 hope you understand swedish