Just one clump of this, grows on the edge of my local wood, so far , I,ve not identified it.
The general area, is agricultural farmland, atop of Wolds chalk, just before it sub-ducts under the River Humber.
The actual site,is a southern crest , with a wooded dale to the north; adjacent a field of some pastelcoloured crop...I forget exactly.
For info, the flowers are actually edge-tinged with the lightest of pale violet; theres a very slight whiff of old broccolli; a broken stem showed a very thick latex-like substance.
The whole clump, has 1.5cm stems up to 1 mtr high, the appearance seems kind of aggro/attitude, which I put down to the serrations on the leaves.
The best book I have, is Wild Flowers of Britain, by Rog Phillips.
Despite all the excellent plates, I aint been able to find a satisfactory ID.