Hello from Catalunya, Spain

Hello all,

Just a quick intro; I've been a lurker for years, but then you see that thread that you really want to add to, and voila..

I've lived in London and North Essex most of my life, but now living in Barcelona, Spain for about a year. A big change, as you can imagine but lots of amazing, wild countryside in this region, esp. the Pyrenees, but for most if not all of the year you can't light fires which is a bummer.

Love bushcraft, especially the stuff that happens around breakfast, lunch and dinner time hehe! I am mad about cooking outside (hence the problem about lighting fires down here in hot/dry Catalunya).

I'm also into full-tang knives, steels and blade geometry. Have made a few knives using existing blades e.g. Enzo Trappers, Neckers etc. I also repair kitchen knives for friends sometimes. My skills are not that great but I enjoy learning.

Well, that's about it for now I guess. Just saying hello and looking forward to taking part in Bushcraft UK :)

Cheers Leshy and Mesquite!

Woodsorrel: Yes, a small gas or alcohol stove is probably the most realistic solution for these dry and hazardous climates. I have a classic Trangia alcohol stove that I might try out; it doesn't give off any smoke or visible fumes, but imho you can't beat the feeling (and flavour) you get with a proper wood campfire. I imagine that if you get high up enough into the Pyrenees, far from civilization and where perhaps the vegetation is not quite as tinder-dry, a small campfire isn't going to bother anyone too much, but it is not something I would even think of doing in summer here at lower altitudes (however careful I am). I will try to get in touch with bushcrafters around here and see what they do.
Moltes gràcies Oldtimer!

Great to hear from a local so quickly. I have family living in the Têt valley, near Prades and I've done some walking in the garrigues around there. It's a lovely part of the world.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Welcome Danny, you live in a lovely part of Spain; in April we took on a long term rental property much further south for our retirement (and benefit of our children/grand children). Health issues have stopped my 'bushcrafting' days but I now welcome the sunshine and lifestyle of Spain.

Get to know your Trangia, they are truly a wonderful stove/cookset...you'll be amazed at the meals you can prepare using one.

I'm back in Spain on the 2nd of next month :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.