Heavy duty lid for Crusader mug

  • Thread starter He' s left the building
  • Start date

He' s left the building

I've heard a rumour that a similar item to the US one below may soon be available for the Crusader mug?

(no link with retail/manufacture): http://www.actiongear.com/cgi-bin/t...SC.ctx=Cooking Supplies&level3.ctx=level3.tam

Anyone seen anything yet? Long overdue, I've been thinking about making my own after threads on bushcraftuk and I've recently ordered a titanium mug just for the close-fitting lid.

I'm at risk of turning into a gear-freak I think, I've vowed to spend more time out there doing stuff from now?! :)


Full Member
It's a well made looking lid only down side I can see is it looks to be made from plastic.

If they do think of making one I don't think they could improve much on a metal warthog type design, plain and simple but effective.
A lid doesn't need to be too tight fitting nor does it require a drinking spout IMHO.



Nov 28, 2004

when i first saw this thread i started drooling at the thought of a commercially available cooking lid for my crusader mug. I use two sets of equipment when camping out overnight, a lightweight summer set with a dutch canteen and a heavier set for winter with a crusader mug. For the dutch canteen i got a great metal cover from Maddog (cheers!) and it makes a big difference to cooking times and fuel usage and I would love to get the same for the crusader instead of the flimsy BCB plastic ones so I allowed myself to get carried away until I saw the pictures. Surely some outdoors company can see the potential market for a decent metal crusader lid that will stand up to cooking and open fires?

Ah well, I can dream i suppose.......:banghead:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
It's plastic which means not something to use anywhere near an open fire.

for me it's rubbish. you can make a metal one very easily from aluminium! which won't melt!

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I made my own for both my Web-tex and Crusader sets, from the bottoms of old mess tins that I got from a charity shop for pennies....but my first attempts were rubbish!
Practice made perfect(ish) and I now have two very functional mug lids for next to nowt....


Full Member
May 21, 2008
Cork, Ireland
I made my own for both my Web-tex and Crusader sets, from the bottoms of old mess tins that I got from a charity shop for pennies....but my first attempts were rubbish!
Practice made perfect(ish) and I now have two very functional mug lids for next to nowt....

I made my own as well John and it came out a bit like your original effort. The best I could say about it was that it was functional. I was happy with it though, "good enough for John Fenna good enough for me" but now it looks like I will have to make a new one because I cant say that now :( :D


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