Hazelnut recipes

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Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
First up is Hazelnut shortbread. (I think this was Rose Elliot's recipe originally, from the 1980's)

I used to make this recipe with my sons when they were little. There are so many squirrels around here that we never managed to forage many hazelnuts, but what we didn't scran on our walks ended up in something like this.

~3oz of hazelnuts, lightly roasted, rub the dry skins off and grind then up....or just break them up small in a mortar until they're pretty much powdered.
~4oz butter
~2oz of soft dark brown sugar, or any brown sugar you like for baking. Honey doesn't quite work in this recipe.
~6oz wholemeal plain flour.
I used 1oz of brown rice flour and 5 of gluten free SR instead of ordinary wholemeal, today. It worked very well indeed

Shortbread is a 2/4/6 recipe. 2 of sugar, 4 of butter, 6 of flour.....so in metric I'd use 75g hazelnuts, 100g butter, 50g sugar, 150g flour.

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy, add in ground hazelnuts and flour and mix until it's an even dough.

Line a baking tray and put the oven on to 160˚C

I make two teacake sized farls from that....each divided into eight petitcoat tails, but the same mix will press down into a small baking tray with a spoon. Mark the dough, ***** well with a fork and bake for anything between 35 minutes and an hour. It depends on how dark you want them, how you oven bakes, fan ovens are quick and drying, while mine quietly just wavers around the temperature on the dial. I'd keep an eye on it after the half hour and see how it's doing.
It'll be very soft when it comes out of the oven, so let it sit on the tray to cool for a bit and harden up a little. Then remove it and lay it on a rack to cool.....if you can wait that long. Son2 didn't this afternoon, and there are no pieces left this evening.
I have no idea how long they might last in a tin; it's never happened yet in my house :rolleyes3:

The dough freezes well, and it's worth rolling it out or cutting it into biscuits before you freeze, that way they're quick and easy to bake when the notion takes or unexpected visitors that warrant the kettle on and fresh baking :)

They're supposed to be dredged with sugar, but I find that to be overkill and Son2 and HWMBLT agreed.


Okay, the bleeped out bit just means stab it over with a fork :D
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Reactions: SaraR
They sound good - maybe I could eat those if the hazelnuts are cooked enough.

BTW - the missus made your peanut butter cookies a few days ago - they should carry a government health warning :) (because of how I couldn't stop eating them!)
Those peanut butter ones were the simplest biscuits I have ever made. I didn't believe it would work, but it did.
Heaven knows what the calorie count is, but the menfolks seemed to like them well enough :)


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