Handirack Inflatable roof rack


Apr 12, 2008

have any of you guys had any experience with these? I'm thinking of getting one as they are 50 quid and universal to all cars whereas the ones specific to my car are going to cost me 162 quid...not a fan!

What do you think?



Full Member
Jan 23, 2009
Has your car got curtain airbags? If it does then the use of a Handirack will interfere with their deployment in the event of an accident. If not then you're OK. The rack will probably be OK for carrying a canoe, but probably not so good for carrying lots of timber and other big stuff home from the DIY stores.

Hope this helps.


Full Member
Feb 20, 2012
I have used them mate, there great I use them to transport my surfboards and kayak never had any problems, when you set them up twist the strap a few times this stops the whistling sound you will get if you don't .


Dec 15, 2005
I've never tried them myself but I do know folk who do, I think they're okay for lightweight items or occasional use with kayaks and canoes but long term you'd be better off with a set of bars.


Feb 25, 2010
I had one a while back. They are reasonably OK. The only problem I had with mine was when transporting my largest canoe (16.5 feet). The trouble was that the spongy nature of the roof bags allowed a degree of front/back wobble which was disconcerting. That said it was used a few times to take the boat 180 miles and there was no real problem other than the worry when it moved occasionally. For smaller kayaks it was fine though. They fit back in the pack too, so they tick a lot of boxes. Just make sure your knots are OK and you should be fine.


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
I have used one for several trips up across the borders and they do work. I always added extra guys from the tow points front and rear of the car. I also add a few extra ratchet strap's just incase.
They dont feel anywhere near as safe as a proper tow bar but never had any problems. Lot more messing about getting them sorted mind but they do work.

I would recommend keep an eye out for a cheap THULE rack and then you only have the buy the correct feet to attach to your car.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
What do you want to carry?

I carry full size canoes and have done for 5 years now and wouldn't consider an inflatable rack or similar device under any circumstances for this task.


Well,from what I've seen of them in action: first off, you do indeed get "nodding" even when you cam strap front and rear.

Then you cant wrap your main straps around the bars, so you're relying entirely on the integrity of the stitching and materials the inflatable thing is made from, to keep your load in place. I'm sure they're rated to suit the job but you cant always see dodgey stitching as easily as stripped screws, wear marks or cracks, like you might with a metal rack.

A third issue, at least with boats, is that you almost always pick up sand and bits of stones or gravel etc which, no matter how you try to clean the boat out before car topping it, always seem to appear in the streams of water that flood out from gunwhales etc everytime you brake, pull away or turn within the first couple of miles of setting off home. This sand and gravel either washes off or drys and blows away if you have a proper rack fitted. With an inflatable set up, some of that sand tends to end up between it and your roof, creating interesting wear marks and scratches. I've seen the scars to prove this, not an issue for some folk but no good if you need to look at re-sale/trade in value of your car later on.

And the real "pita" is that no matter what you do, if it rains, the inflatable rack securing straps act exactly like wicks! leading, if not actually drawing, water straight through the door weather seals and all over you, your passengers, the carpets and upholstery.

I'd have a good think about it if you want to transport full size canoes in particular or anything actually, if only because of the water ingress issues.

good luck regardless

all the best

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