Grass Identification book review

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May 12, 2004
Colour Identification Guide to Grasses,Sedges,Rushes and Ferns
Of the British Isles and north-western Europe By Francis Rose

I thought I would do a review of this book as I find it a great aid in identifying these plant families.
I bought this book to use in my studies at university (FdSc Ecology and conservation Management). In my opinion this is an excellent book to accompany Francis Rose's Wild Flower Key. It follows a similar layout in that there is a key combined with detailed black and white line drawings of plant structures, such as ligules which are used for identification. There is also a section with colour plates and descriptions which are clear and detailed. The colour illustrations in my opinion are better than photographs for identification.
The book in my opinion has only a couple of negative points one is the size of the book. It can be used as a field guide (pocket size would be better) its size makes it better suited to being used at home. The other is the cost £50 RRP though it can be found for around £30. If you looking for a book to help in the identification of grasses, sedges, rushes and ferns; even with the negative points mentioned, this is one book I would recommend.

Once again no links to any of the parties mentioned

I agree that it is a good book. There is a smaller field guide that I bought which is excellent. I was looking for it just now but methinks the missus has "tidied" it up somewhere - maybe it's a Collins book. Its called something like Grasses and Sedges of Europe (or something like that). Nice handy size with good colour illustrations. I used to use it on my college course. It's kind of handy to check what's growing in the nearby semi-improved grasslands from time to time when I'm walking the dog too.
Thank you for the review :cool: and for the titles folks :)

I sometimes think that there's a place for a simple laminated card for ID ing grasses, sedges and rushes, such as the ones for leaves and common trees, especially since the books are on the expensive side for the casual wanderer.

thanks again,


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