glowing the dark line-lok etc


Full Member
got my hnads on them today. Just got to get some envolopes and I'll start posting out.

Anyone who hasn't paid - could I have the cash soon. I'm pm those folks next week. If I pm you and you have paid sorry I must of missed the payment of the spreadsheet, but better check than be sorry.


Full Member
please bear with me guys. I've got the stuff, worked out how t ocut each really so it works out the correct number of each length.

But, there is always a but:

a) it has been raining all day - not room inside with lay out 5m of line let alone 20m or more.

b) I'm supposed to be reviving for a law exam- it ain't going well as it is so boring.

Once it stops, or a have a bit of a move of furnature etc I'll start cutting and posting.


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