Excuse my ignorance, is that a type of mushroom?Thanks i'm happy i spotted it as i have never seen one before. to be honest at first i thought it was a piece of expanding foam from a distance.
Thanks i'm happy i spotted it as i have never seen one before. to be honest at first i thought it was a piece of expanding foam from a distance.
Excuse my ignorance, is that a type of mushroom?
Good camera phone btw
Easy mistake that. I have mistook a lump of no-big-gaps for puffball from a distance, and the odd bin bag.
Are you going to eat it?
Yes it is fungus it is big it is round and it grows on the ground
All the GPBs I've eaten have been like solid white footballs,no holes.
I'm not sure that one will be fit to eat.
Or do they come in varieties with holes?
Think you'll find it will be brown and powdery inside. Autumn is the time of year when they are fit for eating.
Kick it round a bit to spread the spores and then come back in 6 months!
I'm seeing more and more Fungi when out and about. Never yet managed to find a GPB in good condition though
It looked very mushroomy inside, confused now dont know what to do now eat it or beat it?