Getting started w/bushcraft / camping essential equipment - not been camping for ages

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Full Member
May 14, 2017

I'm going to split this question into two parts, if that's OK, and I'm not even sure if I've found the best sub forum to put it in!

1) So I'm hoping to go camping with my young son shortly. When I was younger I camped with my own father. I remember my father had a printed out list of essential items (e.g. kettle, butane burner, butane lamp, lighters, cutlery, knife etc etc) that he referred to when packing up the motorbike or car. He used the same list for each trip but refined it bit by bit (trip by trip) until it was a pretty comprehensive list that suited the type of camping we did.

Because it's been such a long time since I camped (not since I was about 16) I'm kind of having to start from scratch from scratch again. I have no recent visual or muscle memory for what to pack. Obviously I know I need to remember to take the tent, and to take my son, but apart from that - do you bushcraft folk have such a list you wouldn't mind sharing? Or any top tips? I think the camping scene has changed LOADS since I was last camping so I have no doubt I have a lot to learn. Are there threads on here with sort of basic "getting started" kit recommendations? As in:- here's a roll-up mat at a decent price that won't exactly last forever but it's not going to fall apart after the first couple of uses.

2) The second part of my question concerns the type of camping my son and I have in mind. We've been watching a lot of Ray Mears and also Dick Proenneke and I think we want to camp somewhere off the beaten track on our own. Somewhere where we can cook our own dinner on campfire maybe looking out onto a beautiful view etc. Is this even realistic in the UK? I know it's more than possible in Scandinavia (where I have lived and gone on camping trips like this) but I am not so sure whether it is possible to do in the UK. I am happy to be wrong or right I would just like some guidance on this.

In one of the sub forums there is sticky thread which has a list of kit compiled by a member, its pretty comprehensive, that might be worth a look, see what you are missing/may need?

Regarding question 2, Its possible, but there are things to be aware of. Most places wont allow ground fires. Some will allow raised fires like a fire pit. In the lakes, wild camping is permitted, there are lots of places you can get out of the way and not be bothered, and i cant see you having any problems in the lakes as long as you leave no trace, and are high up enough to clear the boundary walls. Places like quiet beaches/estuaries are good too, as you can have a driftwood fire and camp without worrying about permission/fires etc.

The other option is to start looking locally for any private woodland or farmers and see if they will allow you use.

So yes, you can do what you are wanting to do, you just need some planning, and some kit :)
You just need to answer a few questions - some of which you already know. Then moderate the list you create with your mode of transport and room you have for the kit you want to take.

What are you going to sleep "in" and "on" - and are you sure that it will be warm/waterproof etc. Watch a weather forecast and update your kit for the worst - but hope for the best!

What are you going to eat - how will you transport/store/prepare/cook/eat it, what fuel do you require, how do you plan to clean up?

What else do you want to achieve while you are there, so what do you need to take along?

Then add all the "safety", "First Aid" and "emergency kit".

Now get to thinking how you intend to transport it all - in a rucksack, bicycle panniers, car or van.

The second question is more debatable - The folks you mention have had a lot of experience before committing anything to film - and without doubt built up from small beginnings - just as you intend to do with your son. So my advice would be to do a few trips in comfort so that you can learn what you need, what you can do without and what you want to get out of your trips.

Anyway - I hope you have fun.

Ogri the trog
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part 1

Here is my list for 4-6 weeks of solo canoe camping including electronic kit but excluding clothing and food, the amount of gear would be the same whether a weekend or 4 weeks, i left the food and clothing out as they are season specific, plan your food by imaging all your meals and add a bit for a safety margin

First sleeping, this could be a nice little 3 man tent for you and your son perfect, i use the tarps

self inflating 4 season ground mat (5cmx60cmx180cm ) this is extra comfort and a good nights sleep and no bigger or heavier than a foam roll matt
1 x inflatable flock pillow luxury item :D
1 x sleeping bag essential item i use same one all year and sometimes just sleep on it
DD tarps travel hammock (used on the ground only as a waterproof bivvi/bugnet) keeps me dry and bug free under my tarp
DD tarp (3 x 3m) + 4 x 2m self made guy lines keeps me dry instead of tent
8 plastic heavy duty pegs (stamp ins) luxury item could easy make some with a bit of effort
2 carbon trekking poles + walking cane essentials for my old bottom
2 x 30m 550 paracord for tarps and just incase :D
1 x wilder forge fixed knife blade (4 inch) for everything
1 x dc4 wetstone to sharpen after using on everything
1 x bacho laplander folding saw for stuff bigger than everything can handle
1 x self made basic first aid kit (sanitise/blister/burn/cut/medicate) hopefully never ever need to use it
1 x woodgas twig stove my favoruite friend camping lets me have a little fire anywhere, when more than me we take a little folding bbq firepit things
1 x 900ml kettle essential item
1 x steel crusader cup see above
1 x 1.5ltr pan and lid to cook food and be my bowl, if sharing with others i also take a bowl each and just cook in the pan
1 x spoon for everything spoon related that is not tea
1 x teaspoon see above
1 x self made fire kit (firesteel/prepared emergency tinders/collected local tinders like fatwood, cramp ball fungus, birch bark, cat tail seed pods fluff etc etc)
1 x 7ft spinning rod and small box of various lures and extra 6lb line
1 x folding bowl to wash myself and clean up with
1 x wash kit (homemade soap/nailbrush/toothbrush/toothpaste/mouthwash/comb/non stick scourer and small bottle of wash soap for my pan)
1 x roll top sylnylon waterproof toilet bag (paper/baby wipes/lighter, i make a digging stick)
2 x paddle specific waterproof local maps
1 x compass
2 x foil emergency blankets

This stuff is because i am recording what i am doing for my learning, my memories and youtube
1 x 14w solar panel
2 x pebble usb battery packs (8500mah each)
1 x Base usb power pack (20000mah)
1 x fake gopro device and mounts
1 x underwater gopro light
1 x Samsung galaxy S4 cellphone
1 x garmin 64 gps
300GB of memory cards for the cameras and enough wires to drive you half crazy
a collection of various mounts for the cameras
1 x Lifesaver water filter

part 2

Scotland, check out the galloway forest park for starters it is in sw Scotland just past Carlisle and very close to amenities if needed, loads of little woodlands and such with streams flowing through once you start looking, might be good to do a recon trip for a few solo over nighters first to get yourself in the flow and then take your son, get your firesteel practice going on the solo trips n stuff :D i imagine many great times ahead for you both, safety first mate always
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Here's my checklist for what I'll typically take on a long weekend trip (2-3 overnight stays): In summer I won't take the blanket, in summer and autumn I'll take less food and forage instead. In winter I may also take some fresh veg, like a baking potato and an onion or two.

Weekend Checklist

Drysacks (for food and spare clothing - latter used as pillow)
Tinder & Firesteel or
Matches or
Enmannskok (Swedish M40 Mess Kit & Spirit stove)
Methylated Spirits

x2 Canteen & Cup (canteens filled)
Waterproof poncho
x4 Cup-a-Soup & Instant Noodle Packs
Stock Cubes/Miso
x2 Muesli
Milk Powder
Sausage (Salami type)
Potato, Onion
Oatmeal Biscuits/Pumpernickel

Knife/Fork/Spoon Set
Compass, Map

Bedroll – Bivvy Bag, Mat, Sleeping Bag, Liner, Blanket
Tent/Basha & pegs

Antiseptic Wipes

Wash Kit, Toothbrush etc

Spare socks, Underwear, Pullover (in drysack)(use as pillow)
First Aid Kit (plasters, bandage, safety pins, antiseptic cream, paracetamol)
Insect Repellent

Mobile Phone
USB Power Pack/Charging Unit
E-Cigs & Liquid
Notebook & Pencils
Reading Matter

UCO Lantern & Nightlights
Empty Tin Can (for extra heat with tealight)
Pee Bottle (empty plastic 1-litre milk bottle)
(so you don't have to get out of bed at night)

Maglite Torch*
Army Pocket Knife**

*On Belt

**On Lanyard


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