GB Carpenters axe


Feb 22, 2012
Thanks Ian, I was hoping you would reply. My preferred vendor (who I suspect was also yours) only offers the "right hand" axe.

I came across another contradictory quote on a different page of the above website (Gransfors Bruks Large Carving Axe, right handed ):
"Ground with a long bevel on the left hand side and a short bevel on the right, making this a handed axe only suitable for right handed use. "

It seems such a large investment for axe, I guess I'm reluctant to go through with it until I am certain that it is at least the right tool for the job and, ideally, it would be nice to know that it suited me and my needs too (but that's even harder to predict). I'll probably delay the axe purchase. I've managed ok with my existing tools for the big chopping so far. Other tools are more pressing. I think I need to figure out what it is that need and maybe try to handle some of these axes - especially the Gransfors Swedish Carving axe and the Husqvarna/Whettlings Carpenters axe.

Sounds like get on ok with your right-handed / right-side grind axe though - which is reassuring.
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Feb 22, 2012
BTW There is another thread on the Husqvarna/Whettling Carpenters axe - which sounds and looks pretty good, something to compare to the GB carpenters axe - and the GB Carving axe for that matter.
I'm all axed out now! But if I get more into this in the future, that's one I'll keep an eye out for. Should visit some car boot sales too I suppose.


Feb 22, 2012
Happy ending: Just received my Gransfors Swedish Carving axe, right-handed. Now I get it! Awesome little axe - I say little, it is like a v. big hatchet size, yet smaller and lighter than I expected/feared. Less finished/polished that I had expected but both the head and shaft have a strong hand-crafted appearance and exude quality that way. It is EXTREMELY SHARP, like a sharp knife - I didn't realise that an axe could be that sharp; no doubt that sharpening accounts for a significant part of the cost. It occurred to me that I might adjust the handle slightly, immediately under the head to make it a little flatter (is this is Wille Sundqvist modification somebody mentioned on another thread?).

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Robin, and keeping me on course Ian ;)
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