Would like to share a survival article about gathering wild edibles while walking - Survival Foraging on the Move.
Dont think much of the slugs, snails no problem. They are susposably edible if you catch them while they are asleep and the snail has shut the 'door' at the opening of the shell. They purge themselves becoming dormant so they should be edible straight away. But they must be cooked as they harbour parasites.
The article is from that 'prepare to do anything to survive a survival sitution' school of thought, which has its place. People have survived living off some strange stuff. I can't help thinking if you had a wide enough knowledge of plants in that envirnment and foraged insects, I don't think you would be in survival situatuion, you would be in a living situation.
I know this opinion causes arguements IN MY HUMBLE OPINION bushcraft is to think like first nation people where the forest looks like a supermarket shelf rather than a survivalist where you pitted against nature. saying that if I was dumped in the middle of Montana I would be stuffed and would eat slugs and aviod the plants because I have no idea what poison oak etc look like.
I know this opinion causes arguements IN MY HUMBLE OPINION bushcraft is to think like first nation people where the forest looks like a supermarket shelf rather than a survivalist where you pitted against nature.
I agree with you completely. I'm a Waitrose or M&S man myself.
Are there many first nation people in Staffs.?
There is couple of Zulu nation pigmies, and alot of pushtins, but not any north americans. Well not real card carring north americans. I knew some guy who was half iranian who had a job as 'seeing eagle' the tarot reader.
I am not posh enough to shop in M&S, i get followed around by security. I wear a tinfoil hat to keep them away but they still follow me. There is no waitrose at all in N.staffs though, so i have to get my blewits from the woods rather than buy the wrapped up ones. Cellophane gives wild fungi such good bouqet. Have waitrose started selling garden snails yet? Its what bushcraft all about sitting at home watching RM do bow drill on telly, and eating stuff the was foraged from the wild in the poland by peasants. Which is then flown straight to your door via adlelaide. So environmentally friendly.
Seriously I really don't want to cause any arguements. Just make a point what I think bushcraft is. I know everyone has an individual opinion and thats fine.
I believe bushcraft is in the hands of the person about to partake in the hobby. Whether your choice is baked beans in a tin or wild mushrooms and berries, I think it is a personal thing that should be the individuals right to choose.
I do not know enough about wild plants or berries to risk myself in pretending that I do. My food kit contains many items to keep me alive , my most usefull is shop packet smash potato granules.
I take my hat off to those who have learned the art enough to recognise all items in the forest larder, but also respect those who take shop bought items.
my most usefull is shop packet smash potato granules.
rosehip syrip
I don't know if it will be alright to consume, when I get the hairs on my skin its like glass fibre, really irrateting.
To remedy the problem try straining the finshed syrup through a doubled up muslin cloth a few times. Tescos has muslin cloths in the nappy eisle £3.75 for five. Most good fabric shops sell muslin cheaper.
hope that helps