Garden Visitors


Full Member
Garden Visitors, well that's exactly it. I have a number of visitors to the garden, they have been nicknamed so as to identify who they are.

The first picture is of one funny little character, he was the last to fledge from his brood and became the bulshiest little blighter that you could ever wish to come across.

A little later with some of the family, including the parents there were 8 of these guys, unfortunately I never managed to get pictures of them when they were all on the feeder, but here is one that I like anyway. (Cyanistes caeruleus)


Now just after these guys seemed to have become independant of their parents these guys arrived en masse.


It's not the best of pictures I am afraid, but they are long tail tits (Aegithalos caudatus), they travel in a large family group (from what I can gather this one is in the twenty's), they have a social hierarchy or pecking order. This family also appear to have adopted a pair from a slightly different species / order in the that they have Great tits (Parus major) that travel with them.

Now they are all here and when I get a chance I will try to get pictures of them all squabbling over the feeder:rolleyes:.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Long tails are truly lovely Leon - their nests are amazing too - almost coconut in shape but a bit smaller - the adults cant fit in fully so they fold their tails back and leave it sticking out often :) we have them in our garden often.

I'm glad we aren't the only one who names their visitors - ours include Hartley (the hare), Spot (the rabbit with a white spot on his head), BBs "mate" (a blackbird with distinctive white feathers on his face who hops around for worm as she digs), Professor Yaffle (green woodpecker), Scruffy (Greater spotted woodpecker who just is scruffy), Ugly Babies (little moorhens), Spadger Killer (Sparrowhawk), Stuka (Peregrine) and Bambi (little roe doe who drinks from our pond). Its like Snow Whites flipping cottage round here some mornings.

I could live without the night jars though - they make that weird noise at 3am and just go on and on and on



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 12, 2005
South Marches
And all we get are Starlings and Flipping seagulls!!!!

Red, we are going to kick you out of that place and move in:naughty:



Full Member
And all we get are Starlings and Flipping seagulls!!!!

Red, we are going to kick you out of that place and move in:naughty:


We do get some of them (herring gulls, Fulmars and Black Backed Gulls), I am not that far from the sea here:rolleyes:, we have a lot of Jackdaws, Magpies and Rooks.

Since I have been here I have seen it once and I would dearly like to see it flying above my home again and that was a Red Kite. We do get to see Buzzards here a lot as there are a couple of pairs who make this area their home.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
We only get the very occaisonal kite here - nothing like the numbers you see in Wales - I do like them very much and would love to see more.

LS - as soon as we get the new place you can have this one if you like? Cost you a few bob mind you :)



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 12, 2005
South Marches
Red, there is a place not far from here that is good for trout fishing and Red kites, so one day when you have some time you can get a chance at both.



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