From ember till fire - help

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Nov 13, 2015
So here is a video of me practicing flint and steel fire , I didn't have this problem in first 5 or so attempts , but now I have problems lighting ember in this tinder bundle/ jute twine I was not able to start it a few times and here you see I also have problems starting , I had the same problem with bowdrill ember , I used it on jute twine bundle and also natural tinder found in the woods.
Can you help me , what am I doing wrong ?


If you have succeeded already, then there is not a whole lot wrong with your technique.

- however -

Your tinder bundle looks slightly on the small side, so that by the time you achieve a flame, there is not much left to actually burn.

As to the ignition issue -

I find with stubborn tinder's, it helps if I "puff" rather than "blow" in one long stream - by which I mean several short blows with short pauses in between. I also try to combine a number of tinder types in one bundle, so that I have a greater chance of ignition over a wider range of environmental conditions.


Ogri the trog
Just kidding, I think you may have packed the twine to tight, you had it almost going there bro, but then you folded it over and looked like maybe you folded it just a bit too tight...

It could be the twine is not as dry as it looks... there was a fair bit of smoke , that usually indicates moisture...
Keep going , try different materials and dry that jute a bit more and keep it loose...
Your nearly there...
Well done bud
One problem with a 'small' tinder bundle (especially if bundled tight) is you more or less have to hold it very close to your mouth and you breath quite a lot of moisture onto/into it, might be worth trying to hold a slightly larger, looser bundle a bit further from your mouth and as suggested try a mixture of tinders, it helps to stop the bundle becoming to tight as you juggle it in your hands.

i usually hold my tinder bundle above my head (and blow into it from below): in this way the smoke rises up and away from me, it also means that the heat goes through the bundle itself which increases chance of ignition; sometimes i swing the bundle on my outstretched arm (make sure you have enough space:rolleyes:) when i'm out of breath for a moment after a "" final burst"" with the bowdrill/fire saw....
some extra tinder between birdsnest and ember also increases the chance for success....
A bigger bundle will solve your problem without a doubt. I would also suggest to leave the char cloth for a bit longer in the bundle at first before you start blowing on it. Give it some time to build up heat and consolidate in a nice cherry-ember. This is especially true for bow drill-embers, as they are way more fragile in their beginning stage. When outside I let the wind do most of the work and give it some more 'umpf' by blowing a few times on it.

Adding the coal to the bundle and blowing it into flame is not easy, keep going at it! :goodluck:


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