Don't forget that in the wild animals, birds etc live by their wits, there is no or little society and no rules, they quite rightly see us as top preditor.
Foxes have a nasty streak in their nature thats why they are deemed vermin in the countryside.
Once I was talking to a farmer and he explained that two days before a cow had given birth in the night to a calf and that a fox had bitten one ear and half its nose off. The cow met the farmer in the morning very distressed, that night I stayed out and waited sure enough the fox came along and I killed it and left it at the farmers door so that he would see it was dead.
If a fox ever gets in a phesant pen it will kill as many as it can, fortunately I have only seen one example of this we picked up two sack fulls of dead birds and the ones that were still alive were very distressed.
I consider I am part of nature, it is cruel, every day animals and birds are killed but there is no remorse no concience thats just the way it is, survival of the fitest.
I've seen a buzzard kill a rabbit, the other rabbits dissapear for a while then come out again and carry on as if nothing has happened, thats how nature works.
The rules, regulations and laws demanded by the civilisation we live in are not part of nature and anyone that implies our own values, thoughts, morals to the wild creatures are hugely misguided and in my opinion stupid.
I bet that is going to get some feathers ruffled.