Fresh Meat

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
I intend to buy and have butchered 1/2 a 2 yr old bison in late November.
When the mud freezes in the farm yard as it has done every year for the past 15 years.

You want to try your hand at killing one? Stone-age spears and up?
You stay with me. We eat bison every night. You kill one.
It's OK. The rancher has a PH right behind you if you screw up.
Got the butcher all lined up.

Could be -20C and snow up to your whazoo. Could be +5C and raining.
You will have a warm dead body of 2,000lbs/1000kg to play with.

So, you get the head, the entire hide, the horns and all to mess with.
You can do some prep at my house to get it home (where is that?)

Just thought that I'd offere the local opportunity.

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
You make your peace with the rancher. I want a side, on the hook. How you whack the beast is your deal.
Sharp rock, .50cal Hawkin, .338 LaPua, .45ACP Colt, all the same to me.
Quite frankly, I want that critter dropped in a pile. 50 yds or less. Nothing sweaty and gut-shot and run for a mile = all bets are off.
But, all is well. The PH behind you will not let that happen.

Bring a flint-knapper and a whole lot of stone. Ought to be quite a Neolithic deal to skin and cut.
I'll keep you warm and watered.


Oct 18, 2007
i see its ranched would have preferred the wild herd north of fort mcmurray damm sold me sharps only have a 44 mag single shot rifle at moment its the top one in pic



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Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
I'm quite certain that you would not be the first.
I'm not the least bit interested, other than a side for my freezer, as I have no use for the head & hide.
Probably plans for it all but it would take quite some time for everything to happen.


Full Member
May 1, 2008
If I had the time I would take you up on this, sounds like a real experience, reminds me of butchering pigs with my dad as a teenager, great memories !

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Many different and local big game hunting seasons open today, Sept.01.
Now have hunters agreeing to barter bear, moose, deer and elk for bison.
Do believe that I will eat very well this winter.

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Nice but how do you cook it?
Dodge Ram trucks have a good reputation here.

Jasper National Park, HWY 16, on the way east to the Poco Gate.
Come flyin' around a corner to find 20-30 Rocky Mountain Big Horn sheep on the highway.
Gives a whole new meaning to "dodge ram."


Oct 18, 2007
yes he just picked it in calgary this week, taking up the rockies for a work out ;) ... reminded him thats how he wrecked his F150 LOL

Jan 19, 2013
I'm sorry, but I must say I have a problem with the idea of fun and games with a noble beast giving his life for food. I slaughter what my family eats and it's always done peacefully, with minimum stress to the animal (usually horses). Everyone is calm and it's one shot and that's it, no pissing around.
Not to mention the numerous studies about stress affecting the meat quality.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I'm sorry, but I must say I have a problem with the idea of fun and games with a noble beast giving his life for food. I slaughter what my family eats and it's always done peacefully, with minimum stress to the animal (usually horses). Everyone is calm and it's one shot and that's it, no pissing around.
Not to mention the numerous studies about stress affecting the meat quality.

The whole point of hunting at all is the sheer thrill. The thrill of the outdoors. The thrill of the company of other hunters or the solitude in going it alone. The thrill of the dogs on chase. The thrill of the kill itself. Etc. Meat and/or trophies are always just an added benefit. I can buy meat cheaper at the grocery store or raise my own. The trophies are just a pleasant reminder of each hunt. There's no such thing as a "noble beast." Only other animals trying to survive and/or dominate. I refuse to apologize for being the most dominant beast at the top of the chain.
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Jan 19, 2013
Hunt? A farm animal? Has it not suffered enough being a farm animal?
I have absolutely nothing against a real hunt, though the hunters I hang around with, do it respectfully, not out of thrill. Only last night a friend with a dog spent several hours tracking a deer hit by a car. Not with thrill, but to end suffering.
Jul 30, 2012
Can I dig a pit and lure it onto the spikes below, or push it over a cliff, like a mammoth in those illustrations ? i've always wondered how easy that was to do.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Hunt? A farm animal? Has it not suffered enough being a farm animal?
I have absolutely nothing against a real hunt, though the hunters I hang around with, do it respectfully, not out of thrill. Only last night a friend with a dog spent several hours tracking a deer hit by a car. Not with thrill, but to end suffering.

I do agree with one point; a farm animal isn't really a hunt.

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
No, hardly hunting. Most desirable to a landscape covered with white-faced range maggots.
I agree. One shot, no pissing around is how it is always done. Exactly what I expect.
However. Bison are grassland herbivores. The herd has several square miles to live in.
Bison never "roamed" the plains of North America. They lives in herds of extraordinary size
which shifted territory with the decades. Oddly enough, a strategy which allowed for range land recovery
without any human intervention.
Buffalo jumps need a herd and many hunters to spear all the cripples.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.