

Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Was out in the workshop this afternoon making a few more crochet hooks using some offcuts of Cherry i had, one of the by products of turning the shanks down to size is shavings, lots and lots of shavings

20180510_163906 by Mark D Emery, on Flickr

20180510_163053 by Mark D Emery, on Flickr

Ive always used the shavings in the kelly kettle, as well as round the garden to keep the neighbours cats from pooping everywhere, any excess shavings usually get put in the green waste and the council take it, these shavings were different though, they just looked good and the smell was amazing, so what ot make, flowers of course

20180510_171704 by Mark D Emery, on Flickr

20180510_171630 by Mark D Emery, on Flickr

At the moment they are only wrapped loose, tomorrow, im going to dunk the base in wood glue and when it sets hopefully mount it on a wand of thin willow for a stem, then, well i'll probably put them in the grass verge outside for people to take


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Those are beautiful :D

I love the natural colour, and can only imagine just how good they smell. My Dad was a joiner, a boatbuilder. I grew up with shavings :D they always smell so clean. I used to be fascinated watching the almost transparent shavings coming off when he planed timber.

If you dyed some of your flowers red and gold and added them to a wreath of pine they'd make really very appealing Christmas gifts :)
Or just as they are and added to a colourful pot pourri mix in a wooden bowl.
The dye from crepe paper soaked in water is often enough to colour very light wood in pastel type shades.
Boiling up things like willow bark, or the bark from dogwood though would give other natural shades and tones.

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Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
I'd keep them all as a major part of a dining table center piece or a decorative wall hanging.
I want people to recognize that they are made of wood (unstained) and wonder: "How did he do that?"

There's a Russian carver (can't find his link) who builds life-size birds from many kinds and colors of wood shavings.
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Full Member
Jan 23, 2009
That's great! Nice to see some really inventive repurposing. I bet they smell fantastic - I love the smell of cherry wood. Sometimes it would be good if you could get smell over the internet.
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Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
cheers all, realised late this afternoon that i threw the flowers i made away earlier when i cleared up a load of shavings - oops, excuse to make more i guess :D

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Ding-Bat! At least you learned what out collective opinion will be.
I'm always on the look out to buy examples of different wood carving artistry.
I have an Owl of shavings, hanging in the fig tree in my lounge.
Gift from my D1 and she can't recall where it came from.

Yeah, a fig tree. I have to rake up leaves in the autumn like anyone else.

Do some things and show us. I'm not done yet.

There is a tribe of "wood-carvers" that sometimes post on YouTube.
They work exclusively with wood shavings.
Very ethereal compositions, like those of that Russian artist.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.