First charcloth


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 9, 2008
Just succeeded in making charcloth!! It's much more simple then I first thought, for those new to it here's my method..........

1) Cut up an old, 100% cotten t-shirt---I used one from the duster cupboard!!----into squares about 25mm by 25mm
2) Place squares into a tin with a small hole in the top---I finally found a use for that useless "BCB survival tin"!!
3) Place the tin on the embers of the edge fire, not too far away from the middle of the fire or it cools down too quickly, but equally don't chuck it into the flames or it'll burn up!!
4) You know it's working when smoke starts comming out of the hole on the top of the tin.
5) Keep it smoking for about 30-40 mins, and stop it from catching fire.
6) Remove the tin and check, it should be soot black, if it's brown, pop it in for more time!

you're done, the cloth catches a spark from flint or a firesteel, and glows a fierce heat, to be applyed to birch polypore, or hoarse hoof fungus!


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