First attempt at a ring (hazel)

Apr 2, 2007
Herts, Uk
Hi all

Has been along time since i have been on here, have still enjoyed reading the forum just no time to practice over the last year or so :(.

Well after reading This post yesterday by littlebiglane it inspired me to have a go myself.

Having not done any carving for a while it took me a little longer than littlebiglane mentioned, but i think it was worth it :)

It is carved from green Hazel, my first time carving with this and it was very nice to work with although i have just started hacking at one of the dried disks and it is absolutley solid, not to mention has many small cracks in it.

(And no its not a hoola hoop :p hehe)

I cut the disk from the section of hazel about 10mm thick, having finished it and tried it on this i feel is a little big, but then again i have never worn a ring so it might just be me, am going to try one at maybe 5-7mm today.


I like the pureness of the white timber and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on an oil that would not colour it?

P.s. sorry for the image quality was taken on my phone
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Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
Something i have been meaning to try is this :)
Any tips?

Very nice by the way and walnut oil is pretty clear.


Mar 4, 2010
horwich lancashire
nice!!! i am sure littlebigrain(!!!!) will be chuffed at the nod. although even more so if you got his name right!!
"Having not done any carving for a while it took me a little longer than littlebigrain mentioned, but i think it was worth it "
Apr 2, 2007
Herts, Uk
Thank you all for the comments :)

Something i have been meaning to try is this :)
Any tips?

erm tips

1, I have only used Hazel so far and it is most definately easier to carve when green, i have just finished a second one and touch wood neither have cracked so far but i would say to leave a little "meat" on it if doing this and make the hole a little larger as my first one shrank enough to not fit any finger lol (the "meat" can then be sanded once dry to fit your intended finger

2, My second ring i made at about 6mm which is alot nicer size to wear but i suppose it depends on the length of your fingers, 10mm fit me but was a little bulky for my liking.

Looking nice.

That'll be ANOTHER thing on my 'have a go' list ;)

After spending a good few hours reading through alot of the forum over the past few days mine has become rather long as well :)

.....although even more so if you got his name right!!

Edited - :banghead: sorry fella, why is it i get 95% of womens names right and only 5% of mens lol

Here is the second ring (on the right) along with a few beads also made from hazel that i have just started

the trick with the beads is to carve them as much as you can while still on the section of timber and cut them off when your almost done, made the mistake with the first one of cutting a 7mm strip and it was extremely fiddly trying to carve.


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