Finnish lapland 12/2009


Jan 27, 2010
Heres a few pics from a trip i did at December 2009 just before x-mas.We were there for over week in fell´s,learning some sami folklore and skills,and best of all,we were invited to work in reindeer roundup which is very very rare occasion,to happen for men that are not native sami people.Loads of ski ´in,sleeping in snow fox holes,in tent too,reindeer soup,ice fishing,snares,and the most,making firewood all the way from falling the birch,to bringin em to campsite with sled,to sawing and chopping those.Also,once again i studied making fire from fresh,frozen birch and such.One of the best trips ive done in winter lapland.Ask for more details if someone has somethin to ask.


Snares hiding in the bush.


My bunk,meaning US Military genuine,issue modular sleeping bag with goretex bivy sack,plus Savotta´s Finnish military sleeping mattress.It was cosy nest,that old army tent with wood stove and birch twig floor,laid under space blanket.


Super time while others were sleeping and i was keeping the stove going.Cant really complain at all,i had spicy noodles that i mixed with dried chicked breast cubes and drank a cup of coffee,after thati had served my hours watch,and went to sleep after i woke up the next buddy to keep the fire on.


This reindeer walked about one hour before this photo was taken.And it was good soup indeed.


Thirty kilometers of this took a bit of effort,as it was uphill ALL the way when going to reindeer round-up camp.Returning was easy as it was downhills all the way,how surprising.


Shot of our camp,i think i took this from poo place:lmao:


With careful preparation,enoug of torn bark,and small,tiny twigs and sticks it was piece of cake to get that bonfire going.But it sure was hard to cut,saw,splice,make branchpiles of different sized material,when the temperatures were like -28 and hard stormlike winds at beach of one lake.The skiglasses werent on "have to bring"list for nothing.


The more you put effort on your accomondation,the better you sleep.


Reindeers are still,valued and kept well,not mistreated as they offer,even nowadays,so much goodies in the end.Everything is still used,from bones,to fur,not to mention tasty flesh.These creatures still roam free most of their life,unlike cows and others.


There were loads of dogs,doing their valued jobs.It was so nice to see how well theyre adapted to harsh conditions,to travel in the backseat of skimobiles,how their owners fed and awarded them after hard working day and let them in the cabins for warm nigh in deep sleep.This is how men should keep their best friends.


Mar 17, 2010
Great stuff! Finland has been on my list of places to go for a while, and Lappland too, it seems the Sami have a really different culture. How did you manage to spend time with them and have a go at how they work? We know someone who is hopefully off to study ethnology in Lappland, I hope I get the chance to go to visit and find out more about the Sami also.

Can I also ask how the American sleeping system worked for you, I just got one but haven't had the chance to try it out in any cold temperature yet, also I heard the goretex can be counterproductive when its very cold and dry out, and can keep the moisture from your body in rather than out?

Thanks a lot


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